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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Trigger that return a text message

Hi, Is it possible to make a trigger return a text message? Something like this: CALL apoc.trigger.add('deleteNodeMesage',"UNWIND {deletedNodes} as node MATCH (n:Person) RETURN 'Hello' ", {phase:'before'}); Any idea? Thanks in advance!

Turning property of a node into a new node

I am looking to test different structures of my knowledge graph and one consistent piece of advice I have received is to turn otherwise categorical node properties into separate nodes. However, the CSVs imported and used to create my current graph we...

Neo4j Desktop expired today and didn't get renewed

Hello, I got this message today when opened Neo4j desktop. Your neo4j-desktop software key has expired I believe the renewal takes place automatically but it didn't happen in my case. Below is some information: neo4j desktop version - 1.2.4browser ...

Running centrality algorithms

I get the following error when I use the harmonic centrality algorithm: CALL 'MATCH (n:alias) RETURN id(n) AS id', "MATCH (n)-->(m:alias) RETURN id(n) AS source, id(m) AS target", {graph: "cypher", direction: 'BO...

How to optimize the query

Hi, I am currently working on a database and i created some queries. The database is currently still quite small and should become even larger in the future, but the performance of an important query is really bad. To be able to use it productively, ...

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How to integrate BI tool with Neo4j

Hi guys, I have a request from a customer. He wants to do the following: Take RDBMS data and model it with Neo4j (PLM model)Run Cypher quires - For example, how many products will be affected if a supplier will vanish (an 18 hops PLM model) Use the r...

Neo4j server not starting

Hi Everyone, I am trying to start neo4j server first time but getting below error . Please help into this . Invoke-Neo4j : Could not find the Windows Service Name for Neo4j (dbms.windows_service_name in neo4j.conf) At C:\Neo4J\neo4j-community-4.0.0...

Help on Load CSV and Model -I am new at this

Hi, Brand new here and did a class a week ago in SF. Though it was really light on data import. I have watched Nicole's video several times and attempting to pull in a small amount of data (~2500 rows). I have attached a smaller file with the data...

Group by on nodes vs node-properties

Hi, Scenario: (n:Person)-[Lends_Money]->(m:Person) Each Node and relationship has several properties. Requirement: I need to know all the properties of both the nodes and relationship and number of times relationship made. Tried: Match(n:Person)-[rel...

NodeSimilarity Algorithm

hello, I have created few nodes, labels and relationships based on employee data. Something like this Employee data file LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "FILE:///Emp_Data.csv" AS row merge (employee:employee {emp:row.Emp_ID, fullName:row.Full_Name, firstN...

Resolved! Cant get HelloWorld running in .Net App

Hi and thank you for neo4j, we would like to use it in Version 4.x inside a Windows App. So I decided to start with the tutorial from but getting an errormessage and cant find any informations how to ...

CodeCase by Node Link
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