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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Resolved! Problem with apoc procedures

Hello, I have the apoc jar in the plugins directory and file.cyp in the import directory. I want to use call apoc.cypher.runFile("file.cyp"); to execute cypher from script file, and i have the configuration as below: apoc.import.file.enabled=true dbm...

madiskou by Graph Buddy
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Resolved! How best to do parallel processing

We have a lot of (n1:EffortUser)-[r1:EFFORT]->(n2:EffortObject) that need to be counted by day and week, i.e. how many EffortObject:Email did a EffortUser SENT ... if you have a lot of users and emails that can take quite some time so we would like t...

Loading dataset for movie recommendation graph

Hi, I am new to Neo4j and was playing around with the movie recommendation graph when I accidentally deleted it. Can someone please tell me how to restore it? I searched for this in the Neo4j community, but could not find anything to help me out. Tha...

Apoc load json "map"

How do I load a JSON map in the form { "aaaa": { "x": "1", "y": "2" }, "bbbbb": { "x": "5", "y": "3" } } In particular, I need to get the keys "aaaa", "bbbb" ? Thanks!

Optimizing code within apoc.periodic.iterate

Is there anything I can speeden this below code: CALL apoc.periodic.iterate("MATCH (a:alias) RETURN a", "Match path=((a:alias) -- (c1:citation) -[p1]-> (t:BIOTERM) <-[p2]- (c2:citation) -- (b:alias)) WHERE id(a) < id(b) AND id(c1) <> id(c2) With a, ...


Resolved! Embedded Neo4j graph for existing database in Java

Hi, I have updated my database to version 4.0.0, and I need to use it embedded, in Java. I updated the code so that I use the DatabaseManagementServiceBuilder. The directory I give to the builder constructor is the NEO4J_HOME, and when I create the G...

Import rdfxml has problem

Hi All, I am importing rdf/xml (music_200.txt (113.1 KB) ) to neo4j and meet the issue as below picture. Could you please help me! CALL semantics.liteOntoImport('file://music_200.owl','RDF/XML') neo4j version: 3.5.9Plugin: neosemantics-, a...


How to capture intersecting paths?

I have a graph that looks like this - It's the same type of node interacting with one another. (:DataSet)-[:INTERACTS_WITH*]->(:DataSet) I want to write a query that returns the starting nodes of the longest paths. so far I have - match p=(d:DataSe...

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pborah88 by Node Clone
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Querying over values without knowing the key

Hello everyone, I have the following neo4j db structure: (r:Rule{"name":"VPS","Performance":"{"synonyms": ["Yield", "fast", "quick"], │ │"rules": [{"attribute": "Disc Space GB", "weight": 0}, {"attribute": "│ │Network Speed MBit", "weight": 0}, {"att...