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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Error while Importing from JSON file

I am trying to import data using call apoc.import.json("file://posts.json") yield value but I noticed a strange conversion happening with the timestamps. I have to get something like shown below { "_id": { "$oid": "5b1c297bf8e9d1330cb3bafc" ...

sai1 by Node Link
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Resolved! Importing relationships from multiple csv file

I am new to neo4j. I have a problem statement where I need to import a CALL dataset. The dataset is in csv format with following columns (Source, Target, Timestamp and Duration). For a similar small dataset (5000 rows), I created Source and Target no...

How is the license format for Bloom

Hi I have the Bloom license on file but I have the following error when I try to access Bloom ERROR Unexpected format for Bloom license file. Error: Invalid serialized unsecured/JWS/JWE object: Missing part delimiters My content is: #################...

jggomez by Graph Voyager
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Resolved! Need help with a query

Hello everyone, I am relatively new at Neo4j, but I am working on a side project for myself. I am not sure if my modeling is wrong, but here is what I am doing. What I have done is to take a list of food products, in this screenshot, the product sho...


Seed labels in Label Propagation Algorithm

Hello, I try to run Label Propagation with my data in Neo4j. I have two types of nodes : "Articles" and "Keyword" I have one relationship that link nodes keyword with nodes articles : "Appears_in" Some articles has labels (string labels) and I don't ...

LJRB by Graph Buddy
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All pairs shortest path

Hi! I have a bunch of nodes, and I would like to get the shortest path between each pair of them. There is an "allPairsShortestPath" algorithm in GDS, but that seems to calculate the shortest path for all nodes in the database, which would be too muc...

kaptenh by Node Clone
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Getting an error "Mismatching store id"

Hi, When I tried restore DB. I am getting the below error Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Mismatching store id. Store StoreId: StoreId{creationTime=1580278439668, randomId=2337668637437365511, storeVersion=3471765337752883975, upgradeTime=1580...

PostgreSQL to NEO4j and Erwin data model tool

Hello everyone! I hope you guys are doing well and staying safe. Currently my company is trying to learn and use NEO4j for our future database design and move forward with NEO4j from PostgreSQL. Currently we are using PostgreSQL database and ERWIN da...

plee by Node Clone
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Add a property to an in-memory graph

I have an in-memory graph created using the gds.graph.create() procedure. I want to add a property to some of the nodes in the graph. Simply setting the properties of those nodes after creating the graph doesn't work. I would need to delete the gra...

Failed to invoke procedure 'apoc.import.json'

I have been successful at getting started with Neo4j. But I had a problem yesterday. When I import json data to Neo4j using apoc.import.json, an error was thrown as belowing: Failed to invoke procedure apoc.import.json: Caused by:

How to set a conditional property value?

I am once again stuck on what I think should be a dirt-simple question that I'm unable to resolve using the Cypher manual -- how to apply a conditional value to the right-hand-side of a SET expression. I have computed and want to retain a property va...

tms by Graph Buddy
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