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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Resolved! Filling in gaps in a series in a list

I have a list of sparse values..i.e. some are missing. And for those missing values I want to populate them with the last known value. For example, from the first list below, I want to produce the second list. ['25','27','','26','','','','28'] ......

mojo2go by Graph Buddy
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Hello All from Senthil

Hello All, I am Senthil from India and recently started exploring about Neo4J. Hope I will get some support in learning this new data base. I have the below questions for clarification. How do we model our Nodes and Relations because in RDBMS, we can...

sakhsen by Node Link
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Resolved! How to loop over an object in neo4j using cypher

Hi i am using nodejs with neo4j-driver and i create relations like this (USER-[ values from the object ]->SUBREDDIT) Username is predefined so this isn't a problem but the subreddit name and values of relations is inside the object. The object is rea...

Resolved! Inconsistent data store

Hi, Us data of Neo4j is inconsistent, we have run neo4j-admin check-consistency. We can fix the data with then there are 6 records removed copying of 80610658 relationship records took 2418 seconds (33337 rec/s). U...

Calculate the sum of values of a tree

I have a binary tree representation in the database: Each node has two outgoing connections, LEFT and RIGHT. The following query fetches the tree up to a depth of 15. MATCH path = (d1:Distributor)-[*0..15]->(d2:Distributor) WHERE d1.dist_id = '1' RET...

Resolved! Getting an error when apply bloom server license

We just signed up for the Neo4j startup program and we have received our license keys. Last day, by using Docker, we intended to deploy a Neo4j server with the enterprise edition and bloom activated as one of plugins. By doing this, we are then able...

wfgydbu by Node
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Resolved! Storing unique node with spring boot

Hi this is my Receipt entity which contains Unit object with the following properties. My problem is that I dont want to create duplicate Unit nodes each time new Receipt is created instead just connect this Receipt to the already stored Unit with sa...

CPU spikes neo4j process

Hello, I have installed Neo4J on a Debian 10 server. I followed the guide: I have noticed that there is a process started by the neo4j user which...

flpgrz by Node Link
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Transform gremlin to cyper query

Hi All, I am very new in cypher language, can someone help me to translate the following gremlin queries to cypher query. g.V('v1').outE().valueMap().count() //Count all the out going path from given vertex.g.V('v2').repeat(out()).times(2).count() //...

Resolved! How to start a new clause on a new line in Cypher Query while typing in Neo4j Browser, Currently "Enter" or "Return" key executes the Query

Hi all, Good day. If I want to follow the Cypher Style Guide while typing in the query in Neo4j Browser, "Enter" or "Return" key executes the Query while I want to start a new clause on a new line to write remaining part of the query. If "Enter" or ...
