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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Exclude node with specific label from returned paths

Hi, I can't figure out how to exclude some nodes from the return paths of my query, the goal here is reduce the number of possible paths and thus execution time. The original query: MATCH r=(u:User {displayName:"User1"})-[*5..6]->(a:Application {disp...

tbr by Node
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Error while we try to install Bloom into the server

Hi all, Recently me and my colleagues decided to use Bloom for visualisation purposes. It runs ok in my local machine however when we try to add Bloom plug in, into our Neo4j server, which is in a docker container, the following message pop up: We c...

symeon by Node
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toLower() Issue on Mac Computer - Version 4.0.3

I am using neo4j version 4.0.3 on a MacBook Pro and am on Exercise 4.9 of the Intro to Cypher training. The system returns an error any time I use toLower() and a non-mathematical filter in the WHERE clause. I shared screens with intouch.vivek and ex...

Path expand and Virtual relationships

Hi, I'm looking for a way to use apoc.create.vRelationship on apoc.path.subgraphAll results. For example, lets take the same data from documentation about subgraphAll: The following returns the subgraph reachable by the KNOWS relationship at 1 to 2 h...


Full-text search for multiple unknown labels

Hi guys! I want to implement a omnibox search bar with one single text field and I fortunately found out about full-text search indices, so I saved a lot of work to implement it myself. However, I have a few questions which I would like to clarify. M...

chrszrkl by Node Clone
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Neo4j API online documentation

How can I access the online documentation? Following link Overview (Neo4j 4.1.3 API) shows the package overview and then anywhere you click you will get a 'Page not found error'. I have been ...

Database offline and will not restart

I am running Neo4j 4.1 on Azure. It has several databases. In testing on one database, I had a long running query which I terminated. However, the server was then not accessible. I restarted the server via Putty and then at Azure. The server restarte...

Is this an APOC import bug?

For this example: Neo4j Graph Database Platform Import CSV - Neo4j Graph Database Platform This section describes procedures that can be used to import data from CSV files that comply with the Neo4j import tool’s header ...

lingvisa by Graph Fellow
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APOC import file name doesn't the actual name

Latest version of neo4j and apoc: CALL apoc.import.csv( [{fileName: 'file:/persons.csv', labels: ['Person']}], [{fileName: 'file:/knows.csv'}], {delimiter: '|', arrayDelimiter: ',', stringIds: false} ) Then in the browser panel, it displays as...

lingvisa by Graph Fellow
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Backup error on database with unused or corrupt data

The backup process throws the following error, most likely due to corrupt or unused data. This problem was posted as an issue earlier and hasn't been resolved. command failed: Backup failed: Error starting

arikan by Node Link
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