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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Graph Funnels

Hi Everyone, Does Neo4j Community support graph linage funnels? View the URL link for details, Thanks, Harold

Freeze Layout with in Bloom

I am comparing community algorithms such as pageRank, articleRank, and Betweenness. For my exploratory investigation it would be really nice to freeze the locations of the nodes within Bloom. I am using styling rules to highlight the important node...

Bloom showing wrong values in range

Hi, I am experimenting with pageRank algorithms and looking at the results in Bloom output. I ran a pageRank algorithm on a graph and then incorporated into the styling perspectives with rules. This worked as expected. I then modified the pageRank al...


Proper syntax to obtain information from http-api?

In Neo4j browser I run command to search for product: CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes("ProductNameIndex", "product_name: some product") YIELD node, score RETURN node.product_name, score It works. So I want to execute this command to http api (Quer...

Gosforth by Graph Buddy
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Resolved! Using where and Contains to set anchor for path

We have a node in the database that contains the text 'SSN". We can find that node easy enough. Match (a) where a.text contains 'SSN' return a; But now I need to trace its path from the node with SSN, all the way back to the root. (inode:0) How do I ...

Resolved! Run Neuler on subgraph or projections saved in the graph catalog?

Can Neuler only execute queries on an entire database? Or can it execute: on a subgraphon a saved graph projectionin some other 'smaller' way Looking for a way to test on a sample of our larger dataset without creating a new db. Thanks in advance for...

mike by Graph Buddy
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How to get all the edges with any starting from a node

In the Graph above, I want to pull out all the edge nodes which match different criteria. Starting at the STEMI Team, I should be able to traverse all paths and match on specific conditions on the relationships. FORWARDING_TO and SCHEDULED_FOR are r...


Query not adding up

Hello I'm a bit stuck in understanding this: I have created 3 nodes: (a:Accountant) (s:Salesperson) (t:Team1). (:Accountant {name:'Ted', age:43}), (:Accountant {name:'Sally', age:55}), (:Accountant {name:'Sam', age:28}), (:Salesperson {name:'Jill', a...

How does indexing affect database size

It's important to be able to accurately estimate the size of datebases at time of design, especially if scaling is involved. This article describes the basic size calculations, and also includes an automated calculator: Neo4j Graph D...

folterj by Node Clone
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Handling DateTime and Node merges

So I have data coming in from two different timezones. Both ISO 8601: One looks like this: "2021-02-18T01:00:00+00:00" The other like this: "2021-02-18T00:00:00+01:00" They are essentially the same. There is a Node N with a dateTime property cal...

MPasadu by Node Link
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Struggling to update a list

I have a list of with 5 elements ["normal", "normal", "normal", "1","3"] attached to the node as dElement. I access these by index as you would expect dElement[1] But I have a condition where I will need to change one of the elements based on a matc...

Neo4j-admin import - error

Hi all, I am using neo4j 4.4.1 Community Edition. When I run neo4-admin import I get the following error: Import error: Unable to open store file: /var/lib/neo4j/data/databases/neo4j/neostore I know this is due to the fact that the database already ...

flpgrz by Node Link
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Accessing Neo4j database through the browser

Please I am using Neo4j desktop for the first time, and I am trying to access the database through the Neo4j browser. I have given the URL as localhost: 7474, Username as neo4j, and Password as neo4j. However, I am unable to connect to database. Inst...