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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Aura, GraphQl and Grandstack

I build a Grandstack app locally on my desktop connecting to a Neo4j database running locally as well. In order to migrate to the cloud I started looking into Aura and have my database deployed into free and professional tier. Keeping it simple I tho...

Understanding Neo4j Query Plan Caching

This article is based on the behavior of Neo4j 2.3.2. Query plan caching is governed by three parameters, as defined in the conf/ file, which are detailed here. The three parameters which govern whether a Cypher statement is planned/r...

Resolved! Problem with AsInteger

I'm new to Neo4j, so apologies if this is very basic... I am loading in my data, which contains 4 columns (Category, User1, User2, Weight) - weight is an integer, as follows: > LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///file.csv' AS row > WITH toInteger(row...

How to guarantee Label order on new nodes

For our custom cypher procedures we would have a significant boon in performance if the order of Labels on Nodes would be guaranteed. For example, lets say we have the following labels: Animal, Cat, Dog We would want the most specific label to occur ...

Unable to setup Neo4j desktop on Windows 10

I hae download the Neo4j desktop and installed in my Windows 10. After installing, when I launched the desktop, it ask to choose the path for the stored application data. After it stays there and does not proceed on further even if I have choosen the...

Out of memory error on delete query

neo4j version 3.5.1, running on linux centos 7calling from chrome browser I have a db with about 730000000 nodes. I need to delete some orphaned node trees. I've written a query to locate the top of the tree, this returns about 5500000 nodes, and del...

shai by Node Link
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An approach to parsing the query.log

When one has enabled query.log through Neo4j Enterprise parameter dbms.logs.query.enabled the included bash shell script can be used to quickly parse the log and identify the top 10 most expensive queries based upon total execution time and if one ha...

How to write a cypher query

hello, this is my first time using Neo4J, and I have been asked to 'write A Cypher query of my choice -with direction- that traverses relationship of my choice to demonstrate a result.' how can I do that? my graph uploaded


Neo4j Database Concepts

Hi I have the following questions: What's Neo4j max database connection? Based on Config.MaxConnectionPoolSize, it seems that you can have infinite connections. Is that correct? Is there a formula to determine how many connections should be set? Also...


How to use dictionary parameters in Python Neo4J

I am using py2neo to run a Cypher query in Python. Currently, I am passing the values of $user_id and $name. query = "MATCH (user:User{id:$user_id, name: $name}) MATCH (user)-[rout]->() WITH user, collect(DISTINCT {relationship: type(rout), node: end...

Can't backup remote db using Neo4J

Getting the below error while taking the backup. unexpected error: Error$GraphDatabaseFactoryWithPageCacheFactory$1, /backup