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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Resolved! Interesting results using gds.shortestpath.astar

Hello Community! Can anyone help me explain this? I'm working on a navigation project and returning routes using both Dijkstra and A*. Both calculations use practically identical queries - except for the addition of the latitude and longitude paramet...

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Copy paste text from property from cypher result

Hello Everyone, In the latest version of Neo4j 4.1.3 with Desktop browser version 1.3.10. I cannot select the text from the results. Is there a setting that needs to be set to allow for this? Often I just want to copy paste one of the property values...

tideon by Graph Buddy
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How to add entities and relations with in CSV

Hello, I have a CSV with columns a,R1,b,R2,c,r3,d Here a,b,c and d are the values and R1 is the relationship which connects a and b R2 is the relationship which connects b and c . And R3 with c and d. How do I make this as a query in neo4j. I'm new t...

Migrate data from 3.5.6 Community to 4.2.7 Community

Greetings, I originally posted questions about a 3.5.1 --> 4.0.0 upgrade here: Migrate data from 3.5.1 Community to 4.0.0 Community I am now trying to do the same thing in upgrading Community 3.5.6 to Community 4.2.7. I have set everything as suggest...

keithave by Node Clone
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How to hardcode node colour in neovis

Hey folks, I want to set the 'red' colour to a node label while visualizing it in neovis, how can I do that? I didn't find anything in the neovis documentation. My current config looks like this: var config = { container_id: "similarity", ...

Handle color of node in neovis.js

I'm using neovis for visualize the db in my web app. I'm searching for a way to handle the node color. For example in my db there are the two type of node Friend and RemovedFriend. The first ones are yellow in the figure below, the second one is red....

lx2pwnd by Node Clone
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Resolved! Graph through terminal

A toy example here trying to see if command line access to database graph works: Opened the neo4j browser for the default database Movie from the neo4j Desktop. In the Terminal, entered: from py2neo import Graph graph = Graph("bolt://localhost:7687")...

cjsxz by Node Link
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Bulk creation of relationships on existing nodes

Hi all, I'm struggling for days on a strategy for bulk creation of relationships on existing nodes. I have a set of nodes already in Neo4j and an external base of relationships in a dict (or dataframe): {('A', 'B'): { 'sim1': 0.2943630213889271, ...

Resolved! Find last session

Hi everyone! I am creating a web event action domain and I would like to get the last session of the user. I thought that adding a new relationship to the last session, it would be enough but having an indexed timestamp of the session, for me it doe...


What is the most efficient way to traverse a path?

Hi there, I have a large graph and want to traverse a path between two nodes;however, i am having some issues. when i use match path= ({cui:"C0032373"})-[*1..5]->({cui:"C0032371"}) RETURN count(DISTINCT(path)) as number_of_paths, length(path) AS hop...

Resolved! Query is not returning node

Hi, I'm running the following query using the neo4j driver for node js. MATCH (u:User) WHERE = $uuid CREATE (m:Mood {title : $title, text:$text, emoji:$emojiCode, timestamp : $timestamp,createdBy :, id : apoc.create.uuid() }) MERGE (u)-[r:...

Resolved! Neo4j TimeTrees cannot extract the result

Hi, I am quite new with that technology and I would like to extract from my small graph the following session(blue ones) nodes. This is my query: get the sessions between 2021-05-20 to 2021-05-28. I execute the following query MATCH (u:Profile { uu...


Can't start neo4j 4.2.6 with OpenJDK on IBM JVM

neo4j version:4.2.6 openJDK: VM Name: Eclipse OpenJ9 VM VM Vendor: Eclipse OpenJ9 VM Version: openj9-0.26.0 plugins: neo4j-streams-4.0.7.jar apoc- When starting neo4j version:4.2.6 with plugins neo4j-streams-4.0.7.jar and apoc-