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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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How Filter nodes of a path?

I have very huge data with these kinds of network relationships, showing a simplistic view: The requirement is to show the high level nodes with the connectivity as pairs. If I want to show only of Label types (A,D,E), need to return like this: [A, ...


Resolved! Return Table results as Nodes

Hi, Could you please let me know if it is possible to return Table results as Nodes. I have a Category and Sub Category nodes where Category is having a relation with Sub Cateogory as (C:Category)-[:hasChild]-(SC:SubCategory) . For every Category nod...


Resolved! Regular expressions in fulltext searches

Hello: I'm trying to perform a full-text search using a regex, but I cannot get to the right syntax or get the expected results. Let's say I have a database with persons, a full text index on the name and I want to query users by name using a regex t...

(Neo4j 3.5) Executing query with two parts and the second one consists on a group of matches where at least one needs to be fulfilled

Hi, we are trying to run a cypher query but we are not able to get the results we want. It is important to note that we cannot make this work with subqueries because we are using Neo4j 3.5 and in this version, they are still not available. The proble...

Clearing Cache Memory in Neo4j

I am Alger Remirata, data scientist from Jewel Paymentech based in Singapore. We are noticing that memory cache continue to increase as our application uses neo4j. The only way we lower back the memory cache is manually restarting the server where ne...

Relation extraction in time hierarchy

Hi professions, I searched online that there are methods to model relations between event in the time order, maybe with the :Next relation. And since there are overlapping or co-evolving events, there might be hierarchies So, I have events which are...

oli by Graph Buddy
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Spark connection failure

Hello All, I am working on a project using Neo4j. I am reading the book Graph Algorithm. Practical Examples in Apache Spark & Neo4j. I successfully installed Neo4j and other related applications, however, I can’t run/start spark-shell. I get the a...


Resolved! Filter specific data with Graph Algorithm

Hi all, i have a dataset that holds data for 6 years. However, i want to apply a graph algorithm (community detection algorithm) in specific time periods. For example i want to apply it only on data that involves year 2013 only. The Cypher query is a...

Nested aggregations

I am just starting out with cypher but I must say I could use more examples in the documentation but that's just how I learn I have a "tree-like" database : A->B1/B2 (several) -> C(several) -> D(several). I am trying to aggregate several properties ...

bafonso by Node Link
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Data Filter Query, Current Time Variable (Date)

Hi, I'm trying to think of a shorter and understandable code for my question. I would love ideas and suggestions. This is my question and code. MATCH (p:Person)-[:Has_FB_Frienship_With]-(n:Person) WHERE date().year-p.BirthYear<=12 AND date().year-n.B...