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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
  • 1 replies
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
  • 1 replies
  • 1 kudos

Bloom License Requirement

Hi, We currently have Neo 4J Enterprise Edition 4.1.1. Could you please let us know if the enterprise edition has bloom included as part of the license or it has to be purchased separately? Regards, Pruthvi Please keep the following things in mind: d...

Using Aura from AWS Lambda

Anyone here using AWS Lambda to talk to your Neo4j Aura db? If so would you mind sharing your experience, tips, tricks or issues? In particular w/ the short life of lambdas and how you deal w/ connections/pooling of at all? Reason I'm asking is I wan...

Weird performance issue after upgrade 3.5 => 4.2

We're using Neo4j as a read model in an event sourced system. It's job is basically to process a stream of events and build a database for query purposes. The events are translated into cypher statements and sent to new4j using the bolt driver, in ba...

Deleting nodes taking forever

Hi Everyone, I am facing very strange bug in neo4j. I have deleted 100k nodes but for some 20-30 nodes it is taking forever to delete . i am running below query to delete nodes MATCH(n:LABEL) with n LIMIT 1000 DETACH DELTE n

12kunal34 by Graph Fellow
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Resolved! Getting result of query into a list format

Hello, I'm working on a database that has two types of nodes : jobs and skills . They have a 'USES' relationship. I am able of getting all skills used in a certain job. However I would like to have the of all skills in a list in the respon...

How to move on to next step when null

In this Cypher, if '$input.alist' is null, it doesn't move on to next 'UNWIND'. But is there any way to move to next 'UNWIND'? UNWIND $input.alist as a MERGE .... UNWIND $input.blist as b MERGE... I tried to use FOREACH, but it seems like there are ...

Resolved! Connecting one node to multiple

Hello, My problem is that whenever I try to import data via a large csv and connect to a central node, it seems to make many copies of the central node (see photo). The brown nodes are what I want connected to just one "Earth Justice" node. I realize...


Giving conditions to Nodes

When i query " match (n:label{Name_1:'A'}) match (n)--(p)--(q)--(r) return n,p,q,r" But B receives connection from other nodes aswell, like Here I want B to be given only when I query every node connected to B with a query like " match (n:label{Na...

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How I can connect a mongoDB to neo4j

I was wondering if anyone in the community has set up neo4j as a container and at the same time to have connected this container with a mongoDB I have deployed neo4j as container and then using the exec mode in the container I wanted to follow that i...