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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Resolved! Get only nodes connected from query node

This is the sub-sample of the table, from here when I query "Activity" to find nodes connected from it, I am getting like the below image But I want it to show connections only between the query node and the nodes connected to it. Here i want the o...

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Monitoring Healthy Value Ranges for Healthcare

Hi everyone, Before looking at neo4j I was playing with OWL files and SWRL rules to try to create alerts based on value ranges related to measurements in monitoring symptom development. I had some success but unmaintained tooling made it harder to tr...

dab45 by Node Link
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Threshold member count in community detection

Hi, I would like to constrain the community detection algorithms to write a value only if the community size is a minimum member size. For example: Write a node property with community id if the total member count in that community is at least 5 mem...

Resolved! Match and create relationship with each node in result

Hi, I want to do the following Match n:Node WHERE n.someprop = somevalue Match m:ANode WHERE ID(m)=21 Create relationship for all n nodes with m How can I achieve it with a single cypher? Is FOREACH is an effective way to do it? Or someother way is t...

skandagn by Node Link
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Aura - Compute vs Storage

Hi, I have an exercise I'm considering (an enhanced MusicBrainz Neo4j db). I want to avoid having to manage the database, but I envisage my model will have a lot of nodes and edges, periodic updates, but I don't anticipate actually running that many...

Resolved! Failure running gds.graph.create

I'm using the following Neo4j Browser version: 4.0.5 Neo4j Server version: 4.0.2 (community) I am starting to use the gds library. The first thing I tried was gds.graph.create and ran into an error. I'm using the example from the documentation: CALL ...

Can't stop neo4j in Ubuntu

I'm running Ubuntu 16.04.4 on our server, with the Neo4j Enterprise Edition, 3.4.0. We just lost a lot of data, so I'm attempting a restore, following the instructions at If the data...

Resolved! Database import strangness

Hey everyone, I've been wanting to import a database dump from another laptop and forever reason the dataset is completely off... the labels are not all there and the node and relationship count are not the same. I do have another database in the sam...

APOC Export JSON Append to Existing File

Hello! I am trying to use apoc.export.json.query() inside of a apoc.periodic.iterate() call. In my Cypher query below, only the last result is saved to the "output.json" file as I presume the previous results are overwritten. Is there a way to append...

jona by Node
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MATCH with where clause with very long string

Hi All, I am new to neo4j and what I am trying to do is find a device stored in a device Node with the property device_id which is a very long string. The device Id cannot be shorten. So this is the Cypher: MATCH (d:Device) WHERE d.device_id = "...

How to change grass file from java code

I am writing a Neo4j Genealogy Plugin to encourage adoption of Neo4j within the genealogy community. I've been using *.grass. files to enhance visualizations. I want to incorporate these into the plugin so that the grass file can be changed on the fl...