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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Optimizing in-count searches with neo4j

I am building a social network like graph where we periodically would like to find all the nodes with an incoming count of greater than 2. E.g. A->B C->B C->A D->A E->A Should return node A. I am new to neo4j and am still a bit confused about whethe...

Cypher tip for count words in a property

I found it by wasting time: match (t:Text) set t.count = size(split(t.text)) => worked but not for the empty case like "". In this case size returns 1 not 0. To avoid this, I had to change the query like this: match (t:Text) where size(t.text) = 0 se...

gigauser by Graph Buddy
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Execution time of cypher query

Hi, Thnx in advance if anyone help me with this. I am trying to compare the execution times of RDBMS and Neo4j Queries, how can I get the execution time in Neo4j.

How can i see the subgraph in browser?

first,I create nodes and relationships on browser ( MERGE (mark:Person:DevRel {name: "Mark"}) MERGE (lju:Person:DevRel {name: "Lju"}) MERGE (praveena:Person:Engineering {name: "Praveena"}) MERGE (zhen:Person:Engineering ...

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Loading a dump doesn't work with Neo4j 4.4.2

Trying to restore a database from a icij-paradise-papers-43.dump with a neo4j v 4.4.2 leads to a following error: org.neo4j.cli.CommandFailedException: Not a valid Neo4j archive: , which boils down to a Suppressed: Not in ...

Load matrix (node x node) into neo4j

Scenario: I have loaded some nodes into a DB, such as: node_1, node_2, node_3... node_a, node_b, node_c... I have a csv file, like: x, node_1, node_2, node_3 node_a, 1, 2, 3 node_b, 4, 5, 6 node_c, 7, 8, 9 Requirement: I want to batch-import relati...

Neo4j browser display using iframe in Zeppelin

Hi I'm using neo4j in Apache Zeppelin. zeppelin provides neo4j interpreter, but it's not same with neo4j browser. so I want to display neo4j browser in Zeppelin. Is it possible? I couldn't find x-frame-options or something to allow iframe display in ...

Resolved! Complex SQL-like queries in Cypher

I am new to Cypher and trying to figure out how one would achieve some kinds of queries that are relatively straightforward in SQL. One that comes to mind is computing Jaccard Similarity. I know there is a special procedure that does that, but say I ...

Database Not Found Error

Hey there, I am having an issue loading a dump file into new a database. things seem fine but when i open the database i receive the following error, Database "database" is unavailable, its status is "offline". i tried multiple databases using multip...

Resolved! Older versions download archive

Hi, I have searched but have not found an archive link to download for Windows and Linux environments: 1). older Desktop versions with document for list of features included 2). older Bloom versions with document for list of features included 3). cor...

newkid by Node Clone
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Performing call functions on large amount of data

I'm currently trying to use several graph data science library functions on a relatively large amount of data (millions of nodes and relationships). First off I need to create a projection, so I just copied this from documentation and ran it: CALL gd...

ldj20 by Node Link
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