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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Create graph is very slow

I use the cypher like: CALL gds.graph.create.cypher( 'mygraph', 'MATCH (n) RETURN id(n) AS id', 'MATCH (n)-[r]->(m) RETURN id(n) AS s, r.cost as cost, id(m) AS t' ); to generate a new graph with name of mygraph, but it run an unexpected ...

Does community algorithm suit for unconnected graph?

Hi, I have a question about the performance of community algorithm, like maxkcut, I have a graph with 3000 nodes, and 40000 rels. The contains 3 parts of data, and each part is kind of separate. When I apply community algorithm, it is very slow, run ...

The composite index not work

Hello, I faced a problem that composite index does not work (Neo4j community 3.5.9). First, I created some indexes named :Entity(entity_id), :Entity(entity_id,job_id),:Entity(job_id). Then, I profiled a query : profile MATCH (n:Entity) WHERE n.entity...

Fano by Node Link
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MERGE and relationships

The following query: MERGE (resources:Entity {id: '#resources'}) MERGE (dc1:Component {id: 'DocumentChildOf'}) ON MATCH SET dc1.value = '{v1}' ON CREATE SET dc1.value = '{v1}' MERGE (dc1)-[:ATTACHED_TO]->(resources) MERGE (artwork:Entity {id:...

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Avoiding duplicate nodes when existence is unknown

I'm using Neo4j Desktop to develop the cypher queries I will need for my use case. Suppose that my graph may or may not be seeded with data based on the following query. CREATE (parent:Entity {id: 'Dan'}) CREATE (child:Component {id: 'Bob', value: 'a...

Node type inheritance like TigerGraph?

Hello NeoPpl, a basic/dumb question, sorry for noobing up your forum. I have seen in TigerGraph a kind of inheritance as follows: CREATE VERTEX person (first_name STRING NOT NULL, last_name STRING NOT NULL, age INT, gender STRING, state STRING, ​PRIM...

Resolved! Desktop app "table" and "text" views not working

Hey guys. So I have created a graph of 3000 nodes and 4000 relationships using py2neo and I am now trying to dig into my graph in the neo4j desktop. If i run a query or an call some gds procedure i can see the graph and look at the code, However the ...

Resolved! Get a variable outside FOREACH

With reference to the above image, I want the variable "o" outside of the FOREACH loop. Hence I tried to go with image) The problem here is the now line is not recoganized as a variable in the last FOREACH loop, tried using WITH ...

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How to make a group by in cypher query language?

I have these relations: NodeType1 A {ts:11} =r1=> NodeType2 m NodeType1 B {ts: 22} =r1=> NodeType2 m NodeType1 Y {ts: 22} =r1=> NodeType2 n NodeType1 Z {ts: 32} =r1=> NodeType2 n NodeType1 X {ts: 23} =r1=> NodeType2 o ....... For each NodeType2, I wi...

What is a relationship groups in Neo4j?

Hi there I was reading about the storage limits avaialbe in 3 formats in the Neo4j operation manuel. As you can read in the limits table, there are the following limits in Neo4j by default: |Property keys|2^24 (16 777 216)| |Nodes|2^35 (34 359 738 36...

How to create an html link with cypher query using a variable

Hello, Is it possible to do something like this below to generate clickable links taking the user to my NEO4J web browser instance with a cypher code to be plugged in directly? <a href='

Sar by Node Link
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Best practices for importing multiple xml files

Newbie here. I need to import multiple xml files into Neo4j. Each file represents an entity, let's call it a Thing. The outer element is Things, so each file looks approximately like <Things> <Thing ....> ... </Thing> </Things> I can import ...