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12-30-2019 01:46 PM
I need to deploy some vm's in azure, so, i do this script for Az Cli.
You can replace "n4j" to use some variable
and replace username and password!!!
This works for neo4j 3.5.13
az vm image terms accept --urn "neo4j:neo4j-enterprise-3_5:neo4j_3_5_13_apoc:3.5.13"
az group create --name n4j_group --location eastus
az network vnet create \
--name n4j_vnet \
--resource-group n4j_group \
--subnet-name n4j_vlan \
--address-prefixes \
az network nsg create \
--resource-group n4j_group \
--name n4j_nsg
az network nsg rule create \
--name Allow_custom_SSH \
--nsg-name n4j_nsg \
--priority 100 \
--resource-group n4j_group \
--access Allow \
--protocol Tcp \
--direction Inbound \
--destination-port-ranges 22 \
--source-address-prefixes '*'
az network nsg rule create \
--name Allow_custom_7687 \
--nsg-name n4j_nsg \
--priority 101 \
--resource-group n4j_group \
--access Allow \
--protocol Tcp \
--direction Inbound \
--destination-port-ranges 7687 \
--source-address-prefixes '*'
az storage account create \
--sku Premium_LRS \
--kind StorageV2 \
--resource-group n4j_group \
--name n4jstorageaccount
az disk create \
--name n4jvm_disk1 \
--resource-group n4j_group \
--size-gb 30 \
--sku Standard_LRS
az network public-ip create \
--name n4j_ip \
--resource-group n4j_group \
--allocation-method Dynamic
az network nic create \
--name n4jvm_nic1 \
--resource-group n4j_group \
--vnet-name n4j_vnet \
--subnet n4j_vlan \
--network-security-group n4j_nsg \
--public-ip-address n4j_ip \
az vm create \
--name n4jvm \
--resource-group n4j_group \
--nics n4jvm_nic1 \
--image "neo4j:neo4j-enterprise-3_5:neo4j_3_5_13_apoc:3.5.13" \
--size "Standard_DS1_v2" \
--admin-username adminuser \
--admin-password Pa$$w0rd.2020 \
--attach-data-disks n4jvm_disk1 \
--os-disk-size-gb 60 \
--storage-sku Standard_LRS
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