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02-05-2019 07:35 AM
I got the authorization working but have a question about how best to create a graph from a specific JSON. Here's a sample of the JSON:
"items": {
"8dec2e1cf9": {
"itemType": "PROBLEM",
"name": "Manual entry",
"deec2e4682": {
"itemType": "SYSTEM",
"name": "Excel",
"itemType:" "ACTIVITY"
"name": "Submit final report"
"systems": [
"val": "deec2e4682"
Essentially I'd like to create nodes for each item, with ACTIVTY, PROBLEM, and SYSTEM nodes, each with properties that include name and id. I'd also like to create a relationship between ACTIVITIES that have certain problem or systems, but am not sure how to best use merge/create commands to achieve this.
02-06-2019 07:44 AM
Your format is a bit tricky, so doing it all in one Cypher statement is not that pretty:
CALL apoc.load.json...() yield value as items
UNWIND keys(items) as key
WITH key, items[key] as item
FOREACH (_ IN case item.itemType when 'PROBLEM' | MERGE (p:Problem {id:key}) SET p.name = item.name
FOREACH (_ IN case item.itemType when 'SYSTEM' | MERGE (s:System {id:key}) SET s.name = item.name
FOREACH (_ IN case item.itemType when 'ACTVITY' |
MERGE (a:Activity {id:key}) SET a.name = item.name
FOREACH (sys IN item.systems | MERGE (s:System {id:sys.val}) MERGE (s)-[:HAS_ACTIVTY]->(a) )
02-07-2019 02:11 PM
Thanks Michael - when I tried that I got the following error from neo4j:
"Neo.ClientError.Statement.SyntaxError: Invalid input '|': expected whitespace, comment, '.', node labels, '[', "=~", IN, STARTS, ENDS, CONTAINS, IS, '^', '*', '/', '%', '+', '-', '=', '~', "<>", "!=", '<', '>', "<=", ">=", AND, XOR, OR or THEN (line 4, column 49 (offset: 325)) "FOREACH (_ IN case item.itemType when 'PROBLEM' | MERGE (p:Problem {id:key}) SET p.name = item.name"
02-07-2019 04:32 PM
Yes I left that part for you to fill in with your details.
02-12-2019 06:51 AM
I've tried the filling in the code you suggested as so:
CALL apoc.load.json … () yield value as items
UNWIND keys(items) as key
WITH key, items[key] as item
FOREACH (p IN case item.itemType when 'PROBLEM' | MERGE (p:Problem {id:key}) SET p.name = item.name)
FOREACH (s IN case item.itemType when 'SYSTEM' | MERGE (s:System {id:key}) SET s.name = item.name)
FOREACH (a IN case item.itemType when 'ACTVITY' |
MERGE (a:Activity {id:key}) SET a.name = item.name)
FOREACH (sys IN item.systems | MERGE (s:System {id:sys.val}) MERGE (s)-[:HAS_ACTIVTY]->(a) )
And I get the same error (Neo.ClientError.Statement.SyntaxError: Invalid input '|': expected whitespace...). Is there something about the syntax for FOREACH that I'm not grasping?
02-24-2019 11:42 PM
Oh sorry that was only a fragment, those case statements must be:
case item.itemType when 'SYSTEM' then [true] else [] end
i.e. non-empty list vs. empty list.
FOREACH (s IN case item.itemType when 'SYSTEM' then [true] else [] end |
MERGE (s:System {id:key}) SET s.name = item.name)
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