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Apoc.periodic.iterate() ClassNotFoundException

Hi there, can someone please help me interpret this error code on apoc.periodic.iterate():

{code: Neo.ClientError.Procedure.ProcedureCallFailed} {message: Failed to invoke procedure apoc.periodic.iterate: Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.threeten.bp.Duration}

the call is constructed like this:
CALL apoc.periodic.iterate( 'CALL apoc.load.jdbc($jdbc_url, "SELECT * FROM $my_db", [], {autoCommit:true}) YIELD row', 'MERGE (t:Thing {thing_id: row.thing_id}) SET t.thing_name = row.thing_name, t.created_at = row.created_at RETURN COUNT(*) AS total', { batchSize:$batch_size, parallel:true} ) YIELD total, timeTaken;



The problem was a missing .jar (threeten) for the JDBC driver plugins folder. Thank you both!

View solution in original post


It simply means what it says.Above class library is not there on java classpath.
Many thanks
Mr Sameer Sudhir G


What version of Neo4j? version of APOC?

$jdbc_url? to which database vendor are you extracting data from and importing into Neo4j? I presume you have said database vendors jdbc driver jar file in plugins/ ?

is there a stacktrace recorded in the logs\debug.log at the time of error?

The problem was a missing .jar (threeten) for the JDBC driver plugins folder. Thank you both!