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07-13-2021 11:02 AM
Hi, I'm trying to export a small subgraph of my main database to a new database, using the Round Trip example from here: Export to Cypher Script - APOC Documentation When I only run my query I get 168 nodes and 175 relationships, everything looks ok.
When I add it here in place of the 'match... limit 100':
CALL apoc.export.cypher.query( "match (n)-[r]->(n2) return * limit 100", "/tmp/mysubset.cypher", {format:'plain',separateFiles:true} ) YIELD file, batches, source, format, nodes, relationships, time, rows, batchSize RETURN file, batches, source, format, nodes, relationships, time, rows, batchSize;
and I run the apoc statements to get everything into a new database, I have all 168 nodes, but only 65 relationships. Is there something I should look for? The export actually recognized all 175 relationships, but running the export files didn't recreate them all.
The result is this:
Or, is there a better way to make a new database from a subset of an existing database? Thank you very much!
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