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09:05 AM
we have some data about some nodes that nodes connected to each other with relations we called them ( cable )
the number of nodes is : 349 and the number of cables is : 924
we need to find possible path ( not shortest ) between two nodes and used this :
MATCH p=(n:location)-[*]-(m:location)
WHERE n.lo_id = 70 AND m.lo_id = 486
return p
but it's failed . i used to explain and saw in plan that in "VarLengthExpand(Into)@neo4j" about
67,837,845,872,747,150,000 estimated rows !!!
what's wrong with this query ?
i'm newbie with neo4j . should i put index on fields or rewrite query ?
would you please help me to make it work and find possible path with a good query between nodes ?
Cypher version: CYPHER 4.4, planner: COST, runtime: INTERPRETED.
06-28-2022 01:17 AM - edited 06-28-2022 01:30 AM
Hello @mohsenshahbazi 😊
What is the objective of the WHERE clause in your query?
Why don't you specify a relationship type?
Do you have multiple node types?
My first advice is to use apoc.path.expandConfig() procedure but I need more information on your graph model to help configuring it.
MATCH (n:location {lo_id: 70})
MATCH (m:location {lo_id: 486})
CALL apoc.path.expandConfig(n, {
terminatorNodes: [m]
YIELD path
RETURN path;
You can specify uniqueness property in the procedure to make sure you don't have duplicates nodes in your path.
06-28-2022 01:33 AM - edited 06-28-2022 01:34 AM
Hi Cobra , thanks for reply
"What is the objective of the WHERE clause in your query?"
i had may paths that repeated start or end node in path so searched in google and found this where in stackoverflow to prevent appearance of repeated nodes in path .
"Why don't you specify a relationship type?"
because i have 1 type of relationship just cable .
[location:node1] --cable-->[joint:nodex1]--cable-->[location:node2]--cable-->[location:nodeN]--cable-->...[end]
"Do you have multiple node types?"
yes . 'location' and 'joint' .
i tried to use allShortestPaths and apoc.allSimplePaths but this alogs just show paths contains location not joints .
06-28-2022 02:04 AM
This query should do what you want then:
MATCH (n:location {lo_id: 70})
MATCH (m:location {lo_id: 486})
CALL apoc.path.expandConfig(n, {
relationshipFilter: "cable>",
terminatorNodes: [m],
uniqueness: "NODE_GLOBAL"
YIELD path
RETURN path;
06-28-2022 04:53 AM - edited 06-28-2022 04:55 AM
thanks a lot . it's working most of things i want . but it's not include joints node type in path and also it's returned just 1 path . i know between number of paths between this nodes is at least 6 .
edited : wanted to thank you pointed to expandConfig . reading documentation is helping a lot to underestand what you wrote .
06-28-2022 05:41 AM
Can you share a code to create the same database to try on my side? It will be easier for me to provide you the right solution:)
06-28-2022 05:58 AM - edited 06-28-2022 06:10 AM
is there any way that i can export data like sqldump that you can import and check this out ?
edit : i found a way to export as csv ( apoc.export.csv.all ) . is it ok ?
06-28-2022 12:24 PM
i made it . how i can send it ? uploaded to dropbox
06-28-2022 02:40 PM
You can change the extension of the file to .txt to upload it here I guess.
06-28-2022 11:02 PM
Here it is
06-28-2022 05:47 AM
06-28-2022 05:59 AM
tried NODE_PATH but still doesn't include joint node type in path . just location node types .
06-28-2022 03:56 PM
Try this: I created this scenario
[location:node1] --cable-->[joint:nodex1]--cable-->[location:node2]--cable-->[location:node3]
06-28-2022 11:03 PM
thanks for reply . it's just a sample of schema . here is full db export that i used
06-29-2022 12:36 AM
Thank you @mohsenshahbazi 🙂
For me, 70 and 486 are neighbors so how do you find 6 paths between these nodes?
06-29-2022 01:01 AM
correct lo_id numbers is : start :69 | end : 489
06-29-2022 01:13 AM
This query returns 6 paths:
MATCH (n:location {lo_id: 69})
MATCH (m:location {lo_id: 489})
CALL apoc.path.expandConfig(n, {
relationshipFilter: "cable>",
terminatorNodes: [m],
uniqueness: "NODE_PATH"
YIELD path
RETURN path;
06-29-2022 02:00 AM - edited 06-29-2022 02:03 AM
Yes . it is . but there is no joint in path .
here is a possible path that is not in result :
lo_id : 69 -> jo_id : 275 -> lo_id : 70 -> lo_id : 489
lo_id : 69 -> jo_id : 275 -> lo_id : 70 -> lo_id : 486 -> lo_id : 489
this query just using location type nodes . not joints . and i said at least 6 paths in the way ( it was 1 path )
06-29-2022 02:11 AM
The node jo_id 275 has a relation with lo_id 70 but it's not in the right direction. Do you want do have directed path or you don't care about the direction?
I advice to use the direction or you will have the same original issue. What is the use case at the end?
06-29-2022 02:42 AM
i don't care about direction i just care about connection between nodes . i was used allShortestPath and it was bidirectional but i couldn't resolve all possible path from that . is it possible to make it happen in this way or should we make double cable relationship between nodes in both direction to prevent this problem ?
i can make the cable from/to this joint but the database will have data redundancy and half of relationship data is just for prevent a simple problem .
06-29-2022 02:51 AM
You just need to remove the direction on the query
MATCH (n:location {lo_id: 69})
MATCH (m:location {lo_id: 489})
CALL apoc.path.expandConfig(n, {
relationshipFilter: "cable",
terminatorNodes: [m],
uniqueness: "NODE_PATH"
YIELD path
RETURN path;
And read the docs too.
06-29-2022 02:59 AM - edited 06-29-2022 03:00 AM
Thanks @bennu_neo 😊
@mohsenshahbaziI don't advise deleting the directions because the query will be MUCH LONGER. If you could explain your use case, we might find another solution based on a new data model to speed up the query.
06-29-2022 03:08 AM
It's important to understand the context, otherwise it's just a loopy lattice problem that has been a known problem on big data analysis. Your path exploration can easily explode.
06-29-2022 03:23 AM - edited 06-29-2022 03:24 AM
i already tested it and crashed my server 😁
also tried to make a draw-back relationship of every cable that i make . but i was got worse so i step back .
this is the story:
we have multiple stations with two type of usage ( stations may be location or just a medium that connect a cable to another one because distance is too far )
then we add this stations and those mediums ( called joint ) into neo4j as node(s) and connect this nodes with relationships ( named :cable ) now operators need to resolve path between multiple stations and see some parameters based on this paths . i wrote this processor of path and will display map in visual way but i couldn't gather correct path from neo4j . its generated some path that does not include joints ( as mentioned before ) .
i have a question . how allShortestPath resolving path so fast in bidirectional way but we can't ? if i use relationshipFilter: "cable" server got crashed !
06-30-2022 12:47 AM - edited 06-30-2022 12:48 AM
is there any way to simulate allShortestPath with bidirectional path search that so fast ?
06-30-2022 01:12 AM
Well, it's not about the bidirectionality itself, it's more about traversing condition that may allow you to avoid traversing your entire graph or getting into cycles. But this is just possible knowing the model. If you can detail yours a bit more, we may get a chance to optimize your use case.
06-30-2022 05:43 AM
what kind of additional data you need to know ?
it may kind of twist .
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