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12-18-2018 03:06 PM
Something like this happened before on a version update and it turned out to be a bug in the cartesian return, so forgive me if I'm jumping the gun here....
On v3.4.10-enterprise everything worked as expected. On 3.5.0 things are out of place in the return.
Here is the query:
MATCH (u:user {uuid: $uid})-[:allowed_to]->(c:company {uuid: $cid})
CREATE (u)-[:owns]->(p:payment $data)<-[:allows]-(c)
MATCH (a:account {uuid: $account})<-[:allows]-(c)
WITH u, c, p, a
UNWIND $distribution as distribution
MATCH (pv:payment_voucher {uuid: distribution.payment_voucher})-[:bills]->(r:receivable)
MATCH (r)-[:references]->(pr:product)-[:deposits]->(pa:account)
CREATE (u)-[:owns]->(d:distribution)<-[:allows]-(c)
SET d = distribution
CREATE (p)-[:splits]->(d)
CREATE (d)-[:pays]->(pv)
MERGE (p)-[:deposits]->(a)
CREATE (r)-[:references]->(p)
CREATE (r)-[:references]->(d)
WITH p, r, a, pr, pa, collect(d) AS distributions, sum(d.amount) as distribution_amount, pv ORDER BY pv.due_date ASC
SET pa.balance = pa.balance + distribution_amount
SET a.balance = a.balance + distribution_amount
SET pv.paid = pv.paid + distribution_amount
SET pv.unpaid = pv.amount - pv.paid
SET pv.status = CASE
WHEN pv.unpaid = 0 THEN 'paid'
WHEN pv.due_date <= $now THEN 'pastdue'
WHEN pv.unpaid < pv.amount THEN 'partial'
ELSE 'unpaid' END
WITH p, r, a, pr{.*, account: pa} AS product, sum(distribution_amount) AS voucher_amount, collect(pv{.*, distributions: distributions}) AS payment_vouchers
SET r.paid = r.paid + voucher_amount
SET r.unpaid = r.total - r.paid
SET r.status = CASE
WHEN r.unpaid = 0 THEN 'paid'
// WHEN ANY (x IN payment_vouchers WHERE x.status = 'pastdue') THEN 'pastdue'
// we don't have all the payment_vouchers to check if any are past due.
// so, if it was past due before, then it's past due now.
WHEN r.status = 'pastdue' THEN 'pastdue'
WHEN r.unpaid < r.total THEN 'partial'
ELSE 'unpaid' END
WITH p, collect(r{.*, product: product, account: a, payment_vouchers: payment_vouchers}) AS receivables
RETURN p{.*,
receivables: receivables
I'm using the nodejs neo4j-driver 1.7.2
The most notable thing that I've found which led me to a cartesian result error is that result[0].uuid points to an account, not a payment. Whereas in 3.4.10, result[0].uuid pointed to the uuid of a payment as expected.
I looked through the release notes to see if anything notable changed, but we aren't doing anything fancy in here that would make me think it was suppose to be a breaking change.
Any thoughts?
12-18-2018 05:41 PM
Don't use numeric id's to index result colums, always use names.
Can you share the profile / explain for both versions?
12-18-2018 06:03 PM
Sorry, modified the wrong thing 😞 One moment
12-18-2018 06:14 PM
Here is the profile. From the browser, it is return a receivable at the top level of the object instead of the payment. This seems to differ from the nodejs neo4j-driver (but I need to confirm that )
12-18-2018 06:15 PM
Here is the explain:
12-18-2018 06:25 PM
So I was mistaken about the browser and the driver returning different results. They are the same results. However, the issue is still the same in that it returns a receivable instead of a payment.
12-19-2018 04:20 AM
I think it would be best if you could share the statement and the misbehavior in a GitHub issue with a dataset that allows the Neo4j Cypher team to reproduce the issue.
If you find any way to minimizing it to the relevant bits that would be great.
12-19-2018 04:22 AM
Also do you have the profile from the other version? And please note which is which.
12-19-2018 08:50 AM
I setup the older version 3.4.10. This one works as expected.
Here is the PROFILE 3.4.10
12-19-2018 08:51 AM
EXPLAIN 3.4.10
01-08-2019 01:17 AM
thanks a lot. it will be handled there.
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