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Forum Posts

Request for Belgium

Hi I would like to meet, if there are any fellow graphistas in Belgium. I am in Gent. hope to meet many of you here and create a strong and connected community in Belgium best surya

Request for Canberra, Australia

Small community here, but probably active enough to consolidate the folk interested in Neo4J in to one group. We're holding GGDC event here:

elena by Node Clone
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Apresentando-se à comunidade

Bem-vindo(a) ao grupo de usuários Neo4j de São Paulo! Inicie sua participação apresentando-se à comunidade! Se você deseja ser notificado(a) quando as pessoas na sua área escreverem aqui, configure o rastreamento ('tracking') para essa categoria. Par...


GREG -The Gene Regulation Graph Database

Hello everyone, I am a bioinformatician at Guangzhou Medical University in China. My group has developed a new graph database to study gene regulation using Neo4j and we would like to let you know. Our paper: O...

Newbie Looking For Training

Hey guys, I'm local to KC and just joined the group. I guess I have 2 main questions. how do I stay up-to-date on the KC group happenings?When I go to the website to take the intro training course the registration link seems to be dead? Did anyone el...

Création de la base de données

Je cherche à créer un site web avec le framework Django en utilisant le mappeur NeoModel pour Neo4J. Si je parviens à me connecter au serveur à travers http://localhost:7474/browser/ avec un mot de passe propre, je ne peux créer de nœuds dans la base...

mhhip by Node Link
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