Hi All, I am planning to setup neo4j community edition in aws ec2 instance (with ebs volume). Could anyone please ping me some tutorial or steps to follow . Regards, Rushabh
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Hi I'm working on a query that basically groups results in two different lists that are joined before being returned. I'm having trouble finding the way to avoid adding elements from the list #2 if there's an element in list #1 with the same specific property (a code). Example: List #1: [ { code:"AA", name: "Anna" }, { code:"BB", name: "Bob" } ] List #2: [ { code:"AA", name: null }, { code:"CC", name: "Charles" } ] Desired output: List: [ { code:"AA", name: "Anna" }, { code:"BB", name: "Bob" }, { code:"CC", name: "Charles" } ] Any help is appreciated Thanks.
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I have a problem about implementing CRUD operations through neo4j query in Spring Boot. I also defined calculateDuration to shortestPath in terms of duration in Route How can I connect with it with City? How can I fix it ? Here is my link : I have an issue with both operations defined in both CityRepository and RouteRepository shown below. Here is my project link : Project How can I fix my issue? Here are my entities as City and Route shown below. City public class City { @Id @GeneratedValue private Long id; private String name; @Relationship(type = "ROUTES", direction = Relationship.Direction.OUTGOING) private Set<Route> routes = new HashSet<>(); public City(String name) { this.name = name; } } Route public class Route { @Id @GeneratedValue private Long id; private String destination; private String departureTime; private String arriveTime; private Long duration; } Here is my CityRepository shown below. public interface CityRepository extends Neo4jRepository<City,Long> { @Query("MATCH (cities:City) RETURN cities") List<City> listAll(); @Query("MATCH (city:City {id: $cityId}) RETURN city") City getById(Long cityId); @Query("MATCH (city:City {name: $cityName}) RETURN city") City getByCityName(String cityName); @Query("CREATE (city:City {name: $cityName}) RETURN city") City saveCity(String cityName); @Query("MATCH (city:City {name: $cityName}) SET city.id = $cityId RETURN city") City updateCity(Long cityId, String cityName); @Query("MATCH (city:City {id: $cityId}) DELETE city") void deleteUser(Long cityId); } Here is my RouteRepository shown below. public interface RouteRepository extends Neo4jRepository<Route,Long> { @Query("MATCH (routes:Route) WHERE routes.id=$id RETURN routes") List<Route> listAllByCityId(Long cityId); @Query("MATCH (route:Route {id: $routeId}) RETURN route") Route getById(Long routeId); @Query("CREATE (city:City {id: $cityId})-[:ROUTES]->(route:Route {destination: $destination, departureTime: $departureTime," + "arriveTime: $arriveTime, duration: $duration}) " + "RETURN route") Route saveRoute(Long cityId, String destination,String departureTime, String arriveTime,Long duration); @Query("MATCH (city:City {id: $cityId})-[:ROUTES]->(route:Route {id: $routeId}) " + "SET route.destination = $destination,route.departureTime = $departureTime," + "route.arriveTime = $arriveTime, route.duration = $duration RETURN route") Route updateRoute(Long cityId, Long routeId, String destination,String departureTime, String arriveTime,Long duration); @Query("MATCH (city:City {id: $cityId})-[:ROUTES]->(route:Route {id: $routeId}) DELETE route") void deleteRoute(Long cityId, Long routeId); }
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I have a short query that contains both a delete as well as a new relationship merge. When I separate them into individual queries, they run as expected. But when I combine them into the same query, the (exp)-[:EDITED_FROM]->(ee) relationship is never created. I've tried all variations of merge before delete, merge after delete, -- as well as fewer or more WITH DISTINCT statements. Any idea why ? MATCH (ee:EditedExperience{uuid:"f34f7e"}) MATCH (exp:Experience {uuid:"ae67d"}) MATCH (ee)-[r]-() WHERE type(r) <> "EDITED_FROM" WITH DISTINCT ee,exp,r MERGE (exp)-[:EDITED_FROM]->(ee) WITH DISTINCT ee,exp,r DELETE r RETURN DISTINCT ee.uuid, exp.uuid
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Hello, I am new to Neo4J. I am taking Cypher Fundamentals online training courses. The sandbox window that is part of the online training course browser to perform challenge exercises is not working. I am not sure how to activate it or connect to a server so that I can execute Cypher query commands to get credit for the challenge exercises. I am stuck. Can someone let me know what should I do to get the sandbox window in the online training courses working? Thanks a lot.
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Hi friends, Some of you may receive an email from me regarding "account maintenance". For any questions or concerns, please respond in email, direct-message me, ping me on Discord (username 'abk of neo4j'), or respond to this post for general discussion relevant to everyone. What's happening? We are reducing the accepted identity providers for community login to just Google, GitHub and Neo4j username/password. Accounts which had used either Twitter or LinkedIn will need to be migrated. Why is this necessary? We have a long-term goal of unifying the Neo4j experience under Neo4j Aura. One place for learning, collaboration and discussions. This is a required step in that direction. While I'm working hard to make the migration smooth and non-disruptive, some things may not go as planned. I ask for your patience and cooperation, and am committed to resolving any problems. Questions, concerns? Let me know. Cheers, ABK Andreas Kollegger
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Hi, I have accidentally inserted several nodes that has the same properties when running a load job. E.g. Order (Value=10, Date 2022-01-01, Category: A) Order (Value=10, Date 2022-01-01, Category: A) Order (Value=11, Date 2022-01-01, Category: A) Order (Value=11, Date 2022-01-01, Category: A) Order (Value=11, Date 2022-01-01, Category: B) Order (Value=11, Date 2022-01-01, Category: B) I would like to merge the nodes that has the same properties and relationship to one node if several exists - but I don't have a primary key or similar. How can I merge nodes that has links to the same other nodes and the same attributes to one?
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I just started with the tutorial materials " Building Neo4j Applications with Python". There is a query in "Interacting with Neo4j" -> "The Homepage" that I found hard to understand. Where does "sort", "order" inside the format() go? What's is the purpose of the ` enveloping {0} and WHERE statement? What's the difference between the usage of that tilted apostrophe and ' in Neo4j query?
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I have a graph which employee node connects to two different node types (complaints and accidents) via two different relationships like (a:AccidentID)-[i:Involved_In]-(e:Employee)-[r:Received]-(c:ComplaintID) I want to get both accident count and compliant count for each employee. it is something like this. I want to get accident count (red) =1 complaint count(orange) = 15 for kevin etc.. I tried this, MATCH (e:Employee)-[r:Received]-(c:ComplaintID), (e:Employee)-[i:Involved_In]-(a:AccidentID) WITH COUNT(c:ComplaintID) AS complaint_count,COUNT(a:AccidentID) AS accident_count,COALESCE(e.first_name ,"") + ' ' + COALESCE(e.last_name ,"") AS employee_name RETURN employee_name,complaint_count,accident_count but it seems to manipulate accident_counts as complaint_counts. What am i doing wrong and is there a correct way to do this
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Hello so i'm considering starting my neo4j database from a docker image as my application grows I may switch to another cloud provider or my own infrastructure. Is there any guide or advice for moving my data from the docker volume or is this not advised?
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This type of white screen shows when I open Neosemantics. How can I resolve this problem?
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from browser not able to access ipaddress:7474/browser installed neo4j stable latest in aws ec2 ubuntu cypher-shell works neo4j added to neo4j.conf added TCP ports to aws ec2 security group inbound rules for 7474 and 7687 yesterday browser was showing but some exceptions. today not able to connect. The connection has timed out anyhelp appreciate
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I have just complete " [QUERYING WITH CYPHER IN NEO4J 4.X] course, but my completion certificate display only square with blue or black colour. I can't understand. Link: click here
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HI this venkaiah ramaiahgari , I am facing issue with ssl configuration in neo4j-desktop in windows vm neo4j-desktop.conf.txt (39.6 KB) logs of neo4j-desktop.txt (4.3 KB) I
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Hello all, I have deployed Neo4j cluster following those instuctions. Neo4j Graph Data Platform Quickstart: Deploy a cluster - Operations Manual How to deploy a Neo4j cluster to a cloud or a local Kubernetes cluster using Neo4j Helm Charts. I have also deployed the proposed LoadBalancer helm charts. The issue is that I have several disconnections in my browser and then via refreshing the page the issue is getting resolved. I have also changed the LoadBalacer's Service parameter externalTrafficPolicy to Cluster. With this option, it goes better, but still there are issues. Also I get messages in my browser like "Server is taking a long time to respond..." I am connecting as user neo4j to neo4j://<LoadBalancers-externalIP> What is more, sometimes when trying to delete nodes and relationships from database GUI in my browser I get the error: But after some browser's refreshes, the neo4j GUI hits the cluster leader and the deleting is taking place. How can I figure out in order the neo4j GUI in my browser always hitting the LEADER pod? Moreover should I miss any setting in neo4j.conf for the disconnections issue? I have not set up neo4j certificates. Could this help in disconnections issues?
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Hello dear neo4j people, I posted my first question in here 3 days ago. As I thought that it was a beginner question I put it into the newbie category. Unfortunately I quickly got the message that my post is filtered out by askimet and that someone will shortly check it. Well now 3 days are over, I don't want to repost but there was still no apparent reaction so what can/should I do to get an answer to my question? Greetings Timon
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já estou quase desistindo ,pois acho ate que os comandos são fáceis mais não consigo conectar.
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Hi, I've completed two courses on the NEO4J platform. I downloaded the completion certificate but seems like there is an issue with the font that everything looks like a solid box instead of texts in the pdf. Any help on this? Thanks, Ashis.
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Hi, I'm using the Desktop version 4.4.3 and after installing APOC,I've noticed that many procedures are not available (e.g apoc.date.parse is missing and also almost all the other date functions, except 2: 'apoc.date.expire' and apoc.date.expireIn). I've searched for an answer in previous discussions and followed the proposed solution - editting the settings, tried several settings with no sucess, my current setting looks like this: dbms.security.procedures.whitelist=apoc.* dbms.security.procedures.allowlist=apoc.,gds. this should have set all apoc procedures to be available but didn't work, when I execute 'call dbms.procedures' ,I see that 320 apoc procedures available. Any idea what am I missing here? Thanks,
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I am an associate professor using Neo4j for a class. Last year we used release 4.1.3 (Windows 10 on a MS Surface 6) with no problems. This year we are using 4.3.0 (also tried 4.3.10). When I run neo4j console I get the message "Neo4j is already running". A scan of the system shows that no processes and no tasks that look line neo4j are running on the machine. Also there is nothing in the startup folder for neo4j and we have been through the registry and deleted a few things related to Neo4j I have tried neo4j uninstall-service. from all the above releases - didn't help. I don't think the service was ever installed. If I reinstall 4.1.3, everything works fine, but 4.3.0 or 4.3.10 do not work. Anyone have any ideas on what is going on. It is probably something I missed. No one else here is having this problem, including students. So I am sure it is something unique to my machine or something I have done. Thanx, Ed Holden.
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