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Is it possible to import a DatatypeProperty as a property of the correspondent nodes

Hi everyone,
I would like to know if it's possible to convert a DatatypeProperty as property in the nodes of its Domain.
I have some classes with a large list of DatatypeProperty and I think they made the graph less comprehensive.

I can create also a model by myself but I we have a nice ontology library and would like to reuse it.

Tanks and best regards,


Hi @paulhernandez, I'm not 100% sure I get what you're trying to achieve.
Are you suggesting importing literals (datatypeproperty values) as separate nodes?
Something like this:

<neo4j://individual#12345> <neo4j://properties#name> "John Doe"@en

imported as

(:Resource { uri: "neo4j://individual#12345"})-[:neo_name]->(:Literal { value: "John Doe", lang: "en" })

or do you mean something completely different?



Hi Jesus,
thanks for your answer.
What I noticed is, when you import an ontology the Data Properties are converted to nodes.
Example: consider the following Data Property and Class

#    Data Properties
:OWLDataProperty_312a900b_c05a_4a71_9794_b8b9576f213f rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ;
                                                      rdfs:domain :POWER_TRANSFORMER_END ;
                                                      rdfs:range xsd:decimal ;
                                                      rdfs:label "ratedKV"@de .
#    Classes
:POWER_TRANSFORMER_END rdf:type owl:Class ;
                       rdfs:subClassOf :CONDUCTING_EQUIPMENT ;
                       rdfs:label "POWER_TRANSFORMER_END" .

Importing it into neo4j using the n10s.onto.import.fetch procedure produces the following result:

That's is actually correct, since we are representing RDF triples in neo4j, but somehow would be better for my model to convert the "ratedKV" in a property of "POWER_TRANSFORMER_END": Something like this:

Some facts to considered:

  • There are no nodes or relationships properties in RDF, therefore to covert the model back (export to RDF) could be difficult
  • A Data Property in RDF exists on its own. That means, it is a triple (like everything in RDF) and is related to zero or many nodes.
  • There is also inheritance for data properties in RDF

At the end I think the current behavior of the import is correct. I am still making up my mind about whether we need a knowledge graph or just a regular property graph database for our applications, or even both.

I hope that makes my point.

Best regards,

Hi PaulHarnandez,

I am facing similar scenario,  wish to know your decision. did you create knowledge graph through class level?





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