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01-02-2021 11:04 AM
No DATA is load after run 01_DataLoading.ipynb
All the Operations are failed: "Invalid input r..."
01-04-2021 04:39 AM
There is probably a typo somewhere, but I can't seem to spot it. I ran the import code from the notebook and it seems to work for me. Can you try to run the following query in Neo4j Browser?
CALL apoc.periodic.iterate(
'UNWIND ["dblp-ref-0.json", "dblp-ref-1.json", "dblp-ref-2.json", "dblp-ref-3.json"] AS file
CALL apoc.load.json("https://github.com/neo4j-contrib/training-v3/raw/master/modules/gds-data-science/supplemental/data/" + file)
YIELD value WITH value
return value',
'MERGE (a:Article {index:value.id})
SET a += apoc.map.clean(value,["id","authors","references", "venue"],[0])
WITH a, value.authors as authors, value.references AS citations, value.venue AS venue
MERGE (v:Venue {name: venue})
MERGE (a)-[:VENUE]->(v)
FOREACH(author in authors |
MERGE (b:Author{name:author})
MERGE (a)-[:AUTHOR]->(b))
FOREACH(citation in citations |
MERGE (cited:Article {index:citation})
MERGE (a)-[:CITED]->(cited))',
{batchSize: 1000, iterateList: true});
01-04-2021 09:14 AM
Now it work on the Neo4j Browser and also from Notebook (changing the query of the course with this new one).
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