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Forum Posts

Resolved! Question about Cypher statement in Exersice 4.10

Dear Neo4j Community, I just started to learn Neo4j and have some trouble understanding the logic behind two similar Cypher statements I used in exercise 4.10 The question in the exercise is: Retrieve all people who have produced a movie, but have n...


Graph Academy Quizzes

Hi, I've just learned Neo4j and Cypher. In the Quizzes section of 'Advanced Queries'. Question 1: Suppose you want to add a WHERE clause at the end of this statement to filter the results retrieved. MATCH (p:Person)-[rel]->(m:Movie)<-[:PRODUCED]-(:...

Administration Training Issue

Hi There, I am facing some issues in online administration training. In one of the module the module "Casual Clustering in Neo4j" when i tried to run the command, "echo "CALL dbms.cluster.overview();" | /var/lib/neo4j/bin/cypher-shell -u neo4j -p tra...

mmuthu by Node Clone
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I tried to execute exercises in GraphAcademy. When I attempt to CREATE Graph Movie, it gives me this error Neo.ClientError.Statement.SyntaxError: Expected exactly one statement per query but got: 8 I already reinstalled Neo4j desktop the same case ha...

Resolved! Bug in Exercise 4.2?

Hi, I'm new to Neo4j so I don't know if this is a real bug or not. The exercise 4.2 says "Retrieve all actors that were born in the 70’s and return their names and year born" and the provided solution is: MATCH (a:Person) WHERE a.born >= 1970 AND a.b...

Subtle bug in "Introduction to neo4j part 5"?

I really think the online training is fantastic, thanks to anyone/everyone involved in putting it together! I believe I've encountered an inconsistency in one of the examples. I'm mentioning it because either A) I may help correct a small error -or...

ddccmdev by Node Link
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Debugging the exercise

Hi guys, I am a coding newbie, so please be gentle. I was just wondering if anyone else has found this anomaly in Exercise 7.1. When I execute the recommended query, the cast details for "V for Vendetta" are triplicated. I think I fixed it by adding...

ianrbi by Node Clone
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