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Discussions about Graph Academy courses. Live classes meet on Discord channel #graphacademy
I did follow the training well up to this step in the google jupyter notebook: train_missing_links = graph.run(""" MATCH (author:Author) WHERE (author)-[:CO_AUTHOR_EARLY]-() MATCH (author)-[:CO_AUTHOR_EARLY*2..3]-(other) WHERE not((author)-[:CO_AUTHO...
Unfortunately the file sizes are too big for my Mac so I will not be able to run the examples. Is Graph Academy a waste of time without that? Is there a minimal cost solution using Amazon AWS? What would it look like? Bill graphacademy.n...
Controlling the Query Chain Performing subqueries with CALL The example execution in the online Intro to Neo4j CALL {MATCH (p:Person)-[:REVIEWED]->(m:Movie) RETURN m} MATCH (m) WHERE m.released=2000 RETURN m.title, m.released gives this error messag...
In the database when opened with neo4j browser, I have noticed that for every node that is created in the database, it is assigned with a property "identity". I want to know if this "identity" property can be queried upon and if so, how.
As I was following the instruction of the Yelp online training example, I am having trouble establish connection between Yelp sandbox and the web app. ! Screen Shot 2020-08-20 at 5.46.30 PM|675x275 I have cut and pasted both the websocket Bolt URL an...
In exercise 3.2, we have to retrieve all people who have written "other" movies, i.e movies other than one with the 'title' - Speed Racer I'm trying something like MATCH (p:Person)-[not :WROTE]->(:Movie {title:"Speed Racer"}) return p but its not wor...
I cannot get User data, the very first step in this training. What ever I do, I get NumReviews 0. In the console there is an message Error, but the comment is empty. Any ideas? Srdjan
Hello I have an EC2 instance running an Enterprise Edition (3.5.3) standalone based on this image ami-0a366ea274e2488ee . Today I resumed my online studies, and at the 3rd exercise, I should be able to make a dump from a database, delete the current ...
I am currently going through the Category Hierarchy - Overall Similarity Algorithm exercise. While I was able to complete the query for similarity algorithm, I could not understand the intuition behind removing the transitive relationships. As I unde...
Note that as I go through the exercises, I am testing out "what if" scenarios. This exercise has two parts, asking for ('real OR world') and then also ('real AND world'). Alternatives: Using ('real or world') works. Using ('real' OR 'world') does not...
Hello guys, how are you today? So, I was willing to take an online training and failed due to the sign in button is not working for me. I've tried in Chrome, Edge Chromium and Opera, same results. Did anyone face this issue as well? I click over and ...
Hi All, I'm finding it confusing to navigate the training course. It appears that there are 8 parts to the video in the Evolution of Graph Databases section--how many am I expected to watch before reading on to What is a Graph Database?
Question 3 of the section on Defining Constraints for your data asks "How many properties can be defined for a NODE KEY constraint?" Per section 4.4 of the Cypher Manual, it seems to be unlimited: However, when I choose "unlimited" for the answer, i...
Hello Is it possible to download the training sets used in the graph academy? SO I can load them into my local neo install. Thanks
Some of the queries listed on online training does not work for the older version of the neo4j. Example: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62365265/neo-clienterror-statement-syntaxerror-invalid-input-l-expected-r-r-or-o-o/62367486#62367486. How as ...
All the sessions of the conference are now available online