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Resolved! Explanation of values missing

In the Online-Training Course: Introduction to Graph Algorithms — Exercises :play when doing this query: CALL gds.louvain.write('roads',{ writeProperty:'community_louvain...


Efficient Code

Which code is optimized and efficient in Neo4j? A) MATCH(tom:Person{name:"Tom Hanks"})-[:ACTED_IN]->(mov:Movie)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(co:Person) RETURN,mov.title B) MATCH (tom:Person {name:"Tom Hanks"})-[:ACTED_IN]->(m)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(coActors) RETURN...

Error During Copy of a Database

Hello guys. Today I spent some time studying Neo4j Administration course and I got an error on the 5th exercise ( Copying databases). It is a very simple exercise executed from within a docker instance of Neo4j Enterprise 4.1.3. After I executed the ...

Intro-neo4j-exercises doesn't run

I'm in the introduction training and wont to run the first exercise. When I insert ':play 4.0-intro-neo4j-exercises' in the query edit pane I get the introductions to deal witch the exercises in a separate pane. The fourth page shows all the availabl...

Error to create constraint and index on Movie

Today I cannot create named constraint or index. I am getting following error. Command - CREATE INDEX PersonBornIndex FOR (p:Person) ON (p.born) Error- Invalid input 'P': expected whitespace, comment, ON, '=', node labels, MapLiteral, a parameter, a ...

Question about index creation in Sandbox

Dear Neo4j Community, I have a question about Neo4j indexes and could not find the answer anywhere else and hope this is the right category for this as I thought it might be a newbie question. I am using Neo4j Sandbox and the Recommendations dataset....

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