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Stay Connected: Be a Part of Global Graph Celebration Day 2021!

Graph Fellow

On April 15, 2021, Neo4j is again leading the Global Graph Celebration Day for the 3rd year! We have some exciting activities planned for our event this year and would love to have you there. If you are experienced in all things Neo4j or brand new to graphs, Global Graph Celebration Day 2021 provides you with knowledge and community collaboration. We hope it will inspire you to build amazing things with connected data!

What is Global Graph Celebration Day (GGCD), you might ask? To get the most out of the day, it probably helps to know the backstory!

What is GGCD?

We don’t know exactly when the concept of graph theory was born, but Leonard Euler (pronounced OY-lər) studied and documented the ideas of graph theory with the Seven bridges of Königsberg problem. Euler was an influential mathematician, pioneering many areas in mathematics and the sciences. In his work on the Seven bridges of Königsberg, he attempted to discover a way to visit the areas of the city (mainland and two islands) by crossing each of the seven bridges only once and returning to the starting point. Unfortunately, the solution to this problem is not possible. However, his work documented the science of graph theory that is the foundation of so much today!


Caption: Königsberg map, seven bridges diagram, translated to graph

Graph theory paved the way for graph databases as the solution for complex problems in connected data. The growth of graph databases continues its upward trend over the last several years. Check out the full list of charts measuring graph technologies on


To celebrate graph theory and its contribution to the world, we highlight Leonard Euler’s birthday (April 15) and his study of graph theory! Graph theory has made such an impact on our world, not only in Neo4j as a product, but also in the general principles of network science. After all, graph theory is much older than the database, but the principles of connected data exist and have been explored in social studies, technology, medicine, economics, mathematics, business, and so much more!

How does Neo4j celebrate?

In past years, we have helped our graph enthusiasts in communities around the world organize meetups, viewing parties, and other types of events. These groups share excitement, inspiration, projects, and learning experiences with each other, and Neo4j supports and assists in any way we can.

This year is no different, as we encourage our graph communities to help us celebrate the contributions graphs have made in our personal and professional lives. Neo4j is hosting an extended meetup, so that everyone around the world can all join in together! We will have guests from around the world to share their stories, and there will be channels on Discord and the community forum for everyone to interact and chat. Stay tuned for more details in the near future. We are still looking into options for virtual get-togethers and will update you soon on ways to participate!

Throughout the livestream, there will be plenty of room for sharing stories and experiences of graphs and Neo4j. We are looking forward to featuring some amazing community members for interviews, providing ways for everyone to participate in the community. There will also be some announcements around upcoming events and Neo4j technologies!

Here’s the planned schedule for the event:

  • History of the graph, followed by a fun quiz with **prizes**
  • Interviews with the community members from around the world
  • GraphQL Community Meeting with a very exciting announcement!

Wrapping up!

We are looking forward to virtually connecting with you all and hearing about all the amazing things the community is doing with graphs. Join us and share in the fun, excitement, and learning!

Day-of-event important links:

Other resources on Global Graph Celebration Day:


Stay Connected: Be a Part of Global Graph Celebration Day 2021! was originally published in Neo4j Developer Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.