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Share Your Graph Story With The World At GraphConnect 2020!

Graph Fellow

Call for talk proposals is now open — seeking developer stories about all things graph!

![](upload://cnzPyjttrNwJLKR8PGmxtjIsrmN.jpeg)Neo4j CEO Emil Eifrem gracing the screens of Times Square in New York City.

In this post, we want to give you an overview of what to expect at GraphConnect 2020 and convince you to share your graph story with the world by submitting a talk proposal to speak at GraphConnect (the Call For Proposals closes November 15th, so be sure to submit by then!).

What is GraphConnect?

GraphConnect is the world’s largest conference for the global graph community and is coming back to Times Square in New York City in April 2020! You can expect a packed agenda: 1 day of hands-on training, 2 days of talks, the world-famous Graph Hack hackathon, a chance to connect with graph experts in the DevZone, and much more!

![](upload://yPssTF5e72tWRsHqYbkoFyuYfq8.jpeg)Ryan Boyd demoing the all-new Neo4j Graph Platform at GraphConnect 2017 and introducing GRANDstack to the world.

See The Latest Innovations In The Graph Ecosystem

GraphConnect is known as the place where cutting edge graph technology is first announced, demoed, and released to the world. I’m sure GraphConnect 2020 will be no exception.

From live demos during the keynote to technical deep dives over two days of talks to user stories sharing how they are leveraging graphs to solve real-world problems, you won’t want to miss hearing about the latest evolution of graph technology at GraphConnect.

Access the Experts

![](upload://yFwEkacY6ZsyFtfl0tyykidF91N.jpeg)Amy Holder, co-author of the “Graph Algorithms” O’Reilly book signing copies of her book and answering questions.

GraphConnect brings together graph experts from across the globe with two goals:

  1. To share their graph expertise with you, and
  2. To solicit your feedback. Are the things they’re working on helping you to solve problems? If not, what kind of things can they build to help you solve those problems?

Hands-On Training

![](upload://jLsZO3CFWCSFQt3RDluP5xgPqkv.jpeg)Dave Shiposh and Nigel Small offering some guiding help during the hands-on exercises at GraphConnect training day.

Choose 2 half-day hands-on trainings from over a dozen options at the GraphConnect training day. Whether you are just starting your graph journey and looking for an introduction to Cypher or a seasoned graph pro interested in sharpening your graph data science skills there is sure to be a training just for you.

GraphConnect trainings are taught by experts with years of experience building and maintaining applications with Neo4j, not to mention many of the experts who built the tools they’ll be covering in the trainings.

The Graph Hack

![](upload://iqeWbxqdzHjdbMFvA5Rffgl8pZ8.jpeg)Reshama Shaikh proposing a Graph Hack project for applying graph-based NLP to the Lessons Learned NASA dataset

The annual Graph Hack is the time to meet new graph friends and hack on fun projects you’d never have time to work on outside of a hackathon.

In 2018 the theme was Neo4j Buzzword Bingo and hackers were tasked with using as many of the tools and integrations in the Neo4j ecosystem as possible together in their projects.

What will the theme be in 2020? You’ll have to come to GraphConnect to find out!

![](upload://zToVIYrzSLspZfFrARxYAShQjKl.jpeg)The team from GraphAware wowing Neo4j Engineer Nigel Small with their graph wares.


The graph ecosystem is composed of companies and developers building amazing tools to analyze data with graphs, enable graph data visualization, and consultants with expertise building graph applications for some of the largest companies in the world.

Many of these companies will be at GraphConnect as sponsors and exhibitors where you can see what they’re working on firsthand.

Talks From The Community

![](upload://28a5dge7vW0SLm1GthnMEuQUY2p.jpeg)Senior Software Engineer Ashley Sun talking about how the LendingClub DevOps team uses Neo4j to manage microservices.

Sure, in the keynote Emil and other Neo4j folks will talk about the latest and greatest new advancements in the world of graphs and Neo4j, complete with demos of awesome new features, like the introduction of the graph platform at GraphConnect 2017 but it’s the talks from the community that really make GraphConnect so special. And this is where you come in…

And Here’s Where You Come In

![](upload://xgAwfsHu5WctgsSSnecxnZxPCDj.jpeg)I’m pretty sure Jennifer is just showing cat gifs to everyone here 😹

Now that you’ve seen what goes on at GraphConnect, it’s pretty clear that the real value of GraphConnect is the people. And that’s why we need you! Not just to come to GraphConnect as an attendee and participant, but we need you to share your graph story with the world on stage at GraphConnect 2020 in New York!

How To Share Your Graph Story

Step 1. Submit a talk proposal via the online submission form. To submit a talk proposal we just need a title and description of your talk. You don’t need to have the full talk written, just tell us what you want to talk about!

Step 2. Come to GraphConnect and share your story on stage! There are two basic formats: talks (45 minutes) and lightning talks (15 minutes).

What Kind of Things Should You Submit?

While there is no specific set of formats or topics (the only hard requirement is that the topic has something to do with graphs), here are some formats that have worked well in the past:

  • Developer best practices: Lessons learned from the front lines of Neo4j production deployments. Share your knowledge, experience and code with other developers so we can all learn together.
  • Business case studies: How did graph technology transform your business model or bottom line? How did you get sign-off from decision-makers? How has the change impacted your operations?
  • Technical case studies: You had a problem, and you solved it. Show us how you did it! Walk us through your design thinking. Show us your stack. How does graph tech fit in, and why was it the best solution?

We specifically want to support first-time speakers and members of groups that are underrepresented in the technology industry. Not interested in speaking yourself but know someone who has a great graph story? Share this post with them!

So what are you waiting for? Submit your proposal to speak at GraphConnect 2020! Just be sure to do it before the deadline of November 15th 🙂


Share Your Graph Story With The World At GraphConnect 2020! was originally published in Neo4j Developer Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.


Hi @William_Lyon I am final year student from IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, want to present my thesis on Graph Database and deeply interested to attain GraphConnect2020.Is there any financial aid for student ?