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04-18-2022 01:42 AM
Hi Team,
I have a product catalog with a sample created as shown below. Each product is recommended for usage for a specific age group, location, and gender.
Could you please let me know if we can use Neo4J Data science library queries to recommend Product A for User A and Product B for User B based on the similarity of properties? Please note that not all properties are matching with the user and the product recommendation.
MERGE (A:AgeRange{Name:"5-10"})
MERGE (A1:AgeRange{Name:"25-30"})
MERGE (L:Location{Name:"USA"})
MERGE (L1:Location{Name:"Japan"})
MERGE (G:Gender{Name:"Male"})
MERGE (G1:Gender{Name:"Female"})
MERGE (P:Product{Name:"Product A"})
MERGE (P1:Product{Name:"Product B"})
MERGE (U:User {Name:"User A", Age:"5-10", Location: "USA", Gender: "Female"})
MERGE (U1:User {Name:"User B", Age:"35-50", Location: "Japan", Gender: "Female"})
04-18-2022 06:25 AM
Have you seen this blog? https://towardsdatascience.com/exploring-practical-recommendation-engines-in-neo4j-ff09fe767782
We also provide the source code, here: demo-news-recommendation/mind-large-collab-filtering at main · zach-blumenfeld/demo-news-recommendat...
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