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Forum Posts

Football exporation with Neo4r

On February I presented in Paris a basic exploration and modelling with football data and the new R driver. You can checkout the project, slides, and data in (also, if you are a Docker user you can down...

Pokémon Graph

Hello Neo4j Community, I created a scraper that reads the data from the Bulbapedia and creates a graph database. The scraper repository: GitHub IgorRozani/bulbapedia-scraper Scraper to get data from Bulbapedia and conver...

How to get started with jQA Dashboard?

Hmm, I am not quite sure if this is the right forum (there are way to many to choose from)? However, I recently found the amazing jQA-dashboard: ... at least it looked amazing from the demo. Neverthel...

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Circular Economy in Finance

Sometimes the circularities may come from an unexpected place and it is difficult to find. The Cycling of [NEED TO PAY] transactions can be used to create a Financial Clearing/Settlement system more egalitarian and become a real driving force for the...

GRAND Stack Seed Application

GitHub erikrahm/grand-stack-seed GRAND (GraphQL, React, Apollo, Neo4j Database) Stack seed project with built in Auth and sample User GQL types/queries/mutations. - erikrahm/grand-stack-seed GRA...

erikrahm by Node Link
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Graph Workloads

This is a tool I use to generate workloads for Neo4j, to do load testing, to help determine how much load a given configuration can take, and so on. You can give it a single cypher query or a workload of many queries, and it will allow you to run tha...

JCypher 4.2.0 has been released

Hi everybody, JCypher 4.2.0 has been released. New in this release: Support for Neo4j 3.5.x has been added (that required some adaptations for in-memory databases). For what's new in JCypher, you may also want to have a look at the release notes....

Neo4j Versioner Core v2.0.0 released

Hello everyone! I would like to share with you that we relased a new version of our Neo4j Versioner Core, a collection of procedures, aimed to help developers to manage the Entity-State model, by creating, updating and querying the graph. In this new...


Cross-posting so people know about this repo, built by @jake You may want to try this tool to get: Ability to replay recorded loadMachine parseable query logsQueries running as the database shut down or crashedIndividual Bolt protocol messages for de...

  • Dev Blog 1
  • Projects-and-Collaboration 154