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Forum Posts

Populate DB with script upon building docker image

Thanks for having a look at my topic I'm looking for some advice regarding best practices for populating a database upon initial build of a docker container. I have a docker-compose file that launches an instance of neo4j-4.2.0-community, alongside...

Container started but neo4j connot start

HI I pulled neo4j:latest image. and create and start a container with this command successfully: > docker create \ > --name myneo4j \ > -p7688:7688 \ > -v $HOME/neo4j/data:/data \ > -v $HOME/neo4j/logs:/logs \ > -v $HOME/neo4j/plugins:/plugins \ > ...

Neo4j and Golang (using Docker)

Hi - I'm trying to create a docker image that will support Neo4j and Golang. Here is my Dockerfile ''' FROM neo4j:latest MAINTAINER dmazzoni RUN apt-get -y update RUN apt-get -y upgrade RUN apt-get install -y build-essential FROM gol...

davem by Node
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Docker on Windows - error when running container

I have run into a problem running Neo4j version 4.0.4 on Windows, using Docker Desktop with WSL2. Everything was fine until a few days ago - now, when running the container (either via docker run or docker-compose up), I get the following error: 2020...

Docker Hyper V and the

Hi, I have installed Docker desktop (after a struggle!!) but it it won't start as it is says that Hyper V is not installed despite it (Hyper V) being there. I have read that the version of Docker I installed was specific to Windows 8 and will not upg...


I've been running neo4j 3.5 from a docker container on a ubuntu 18.04 server. I do my development and browsing from a windows box on the same LAN, using the Chrome browser. This is my startup script: docker run \ --publish=7474:7474 --publish=7687:7...


Neo4j: Checkpoint failed Failed to flush

I've a container instance in azure and have the data volume mounted in a File Share. The database starts correctly but after adding some node and doing some queries it starts to fail and throw the followin error 2020-05-13 02:58:44.929+0000 INFO [o.n...