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10-23-2018 07:07 PM
Neophyte to GraphQL here...
Using GraphiQL, when I try to search on a node with relationships to other nodes with the same label, it returns NULL. For example, this is the Cypher query to return all the nodes using the "REFERENCED_BY" relationship for the NODE_EXAMPLE:
MATCH (n:NODE_EXAMPLE {num:"000001"})-[r:REFERENCED_BY]-(b) return n, r, b
This returns all the nodes with the "REFERENCED_BY" relationship... They also happen to have the same label.
return value:
"data": {
"referencedBy": null
"extensions": {
"type": "READ_ONLY"
Am I doing something wrong? I'm expecting to get an array of nums that are 'REFERENCED_BY" the node with num="000001"
edit: I'm using the GraphQL plugin on the Neo4j browser and not any custom resolvers.
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