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05-14-2020 09:42 AM
Hi we are using .net driver in order to get the results of a query . We noticed that although the query runs the result are less that the results displayed when we run the same query on the browser .
Is that a community edition limitation ?
Thank you
05-22-2020 12:02 AM
no edition, driver or application should or would have such limitations.
could you give us more info, on the specific results you get, and the diff (in number of rows etc)?
any repro you could provide with a common sample database?
05-25-2020 04:34 AM
Hi Critistiscu , Thank you very much for your reply . We have created dome sample data to out on premises installation of Neo4j to show you the problem we are facing.
Step 1. We create 4 simple nodes with 4 relationships :
CREATE (n:Person { name: 'Test1' })
CREATE (n:Person { name: 'Test2' })
CREATE (n:Person { name: 'Test3' })
CREATE (n:Person { name: 'Test4' })
MATCH (a:Person),(b:Person)
WHERE a.name = 'Test1' AND b.name = 'Test2'
CREATE (a)-[r:Tst { name: a.name + '<->' + b.name }]->(b)
RETURN type(r), r.name
MATCH (a:Person),(b:Person)
WHERE a.name = 'Test1' AND b.name = 'Test3'
CREATE (a)-[r:Tst { name: a.name + '<->' + b.name }]->(b)
RETURN type(r), r.name
MATCH (a:Person),(b:Person)
WHERE a.name = 'Test3' AND b.name = 'Test4'
CREATE (a)-[r:Tst { name: a.name + '<->' + b.name }]->(b)
RETURN type(r), r.name
MATCH (a:Person),(b:Person)
WHERE a.name = 'Test2' AND b.name = 'Test4'
CREATE (a)-[r:Tst { name: a.name + '<->' + b.name }]->(b)
RETURN type(r), r.name
Step 2: we run the below query to the neo4j browser using apoc :
MATCH (p:Person {name: 'Test1'} )
CALL apoc.path.subgraphAll(p, {
minLevel: 1,
maxLevel: 10 })
YIELD nodes, relationships
The result on the browser is 4 nodes and 4 edges
Step 3 : We create a simple .net program using neo4j driver and execute the same query (file is .cs but renamed to txt in order to be attached ) Program.txt (2.2 KB) . The results are missing one
The same test was repeated with a more simple query having similar results . Also in our production data was used the simple driver (not async) facing same issues . Thank you very much
05-26-2020 05:49 AM
Hi @toikonomou,
I don't have time enough to go into details, but you likely use different queries here.
Just double check you don't re-create the same relationships, and walk through the differences between CREATE/MERGE.
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