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Neo4j-graphql-js - creating relation between same label doesn't generate mutation

You can find the schema at
You can find the main index.js at

Here's what I want to do:

  • Create a relationship between to Departments

  • In cipher it's like : MATCH (a:Department{id: id}, b:Department{id: id}) CREATE a-[:CHILD]->b RETURN a, b

  • The auto generated mutation through /* augmentSchema will add autogenerated mutations based on types in schema */ const augmentedSchema = augmentSchema(schema); doesn't create what I need.

  • It's only providing me with a mutation i.e. AddDepartmentChildren( departmentid: ID! 😞 Department


Graph Fellow

Hi Shrey -

This seems to be a bug in neo4j-graphql-js when generating mutations for relationships connecting nodes with the same label. I've created an issue to track it here:

In the mean time, you can add the mutation to accomplish creating the relationship by adding this to your GraphQL schema:

type Mutation {
  AddDepartmentChildren(fromDepartmentID: ID!, toDepartmentID: ID!): Department @cypher(
  MATCH (from:Department {id: $fromDepartmentID})
  MATCH (to:Department {id: $toDepartmentID})
  CREATE (from)-[:CHILD_DEPT]->(to)


Also, you have an error in your schema for the children field on the Department type, it should be:

  children: [Department] @relation(name: "CHILD_DEPT", direction: "OUT")

instead of using the @cypher directive there, use @relation to express the relationship

Where should I put the parameters that I want in return if the relationship is successfully created and where should I define the properties for the relation CHILD_DEPT?

Oh right, that mutation should return a Department node and I forgot the return clause. Our convention for the generated mutations has been to return the from node. So the query should be

MATCH (from:Department {id: $fromDepartmentID})
MATCH (to:Department {id: $toDepartmentID})
CREATE (from)-[:CHILD_DEPT]->(to)

To add properties to the relationship just include them as parameters of the mutation and update the @cypher query accordingly. Here's an example:

type Mutation {
  AddDepartmentChildren(fromDepartmentID: ID!, toDepartmentID: ID!, count: Int): Department @cypher(
     MATCH (from:Department {id: $fromDepartmentID})
     MATCH (to:Department {id: $toDepartmentID})
     CREATE (from)-[r:CHILD_DEPT]->(to)
     SET r.count = $count
     RETURN from

Note that the neo4j-graphql-js library (and the neo4j-graphql database plugin) do not currently support an automatic way of working with relationship properties so you'll have to define @cypher directives on fields to work with relationship properties.

Got it, Thanks man.

My love for Neo4J is increasing day by day.

Okay seems good to me. Thank you so much.