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09-07-2018 09:56 PM
I have a python code quering Neo4j REST API, so when run this code
q = ("MATCH (n:Person)-[rel]->(a:Address), RETURN rel
results = self.db.query(q, returns=(client.Relationship))
The output is the URL below http://localhost:7474/db/data/relationship/3602>
After clicking the URL, I can see the correct relationship info listed below in a browser. and I am trying to extract the value of "type" which is "RESIDENT_Of"
Relationship info
start http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/1066
end http://localhost:7474/db/data/node/34804
But when I change the code to
print(results[0][1]['type') I get following error:
KeyError: 'type'
I have tried all combinations such as below but still keep getting the same error.
results[0][1]['Relationship info]['type']
results[0][1]['Properties']['Relationship info]['type']
Any idea what key I should be using on results to get the string description of relationship type?
09-08-2018 02:34 AM
Don't do that. The REST API will go away.
Use a proper driver to run queries against your database, see
09-10-2018 06:03 AM
As @michael.hunger says, the REST API will be disappearing in Neo4j 4.0; it is being deprecated in 3.5.
If you run the Cypher through the official driver instead, you will need something like the following:
from neo4j.v1 import GraphDatabase
driver = GraphDatabase.driver("bolt://localhost:7687", auth=("neo4j", "password"))
with driver.session() as session:
result = session.run("MATCH (n:Person)-[rel]->(a:Address) RETURN rel")
for record in result:
rel = record["rel"]
Alternatively, if you're just working with graphy types (nodes and relationships) in your results, and ordering doesn't matter, you can jump into the result graph:
# ...skipping several lines
graph = session.run("MATCH (n:Person)-[rel]->(a:Address) RETURN rel").graph()
for rel in graph.relationships:
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