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About the Drivers & Stacks category

All applications using Neo4j depend on drivers to execute statements to update or query data. Neo4j drivers are mostly built on the binary Bolt protocol. Official drivers exist for Java, JavaScript, .Net, Python, and Go and more. Other languages (R, ...

yolande by Community Team
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Can we automate with NodeJS

Hi, Traditionally, we first setup the database of Neo4j by entering the Create queries in browser. But can we directly send the queries like CREATE, MATCH, etc. to Neo4j without running the queries on Neo4j Browser via NodeJS ? Is there a provision ...

sucheta by Graph Buddy
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Resolved! How to enable OPTIONS requests with neo4j-graphql?

I'm making direct calls from my client app to neo4j graph API, with graph-request, the client and neo4j are hosted in different servers so the calls will be considered CORS, therefore chrome performs a preflight request. Unfortunately, I see that neo...

kutomer by Node Link
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Error - WebSocket is already in CLOSING or CLOSED state

Hi, I made a new Graph in my Database. And the new graph has new credentials of bolt, http and https. I am able to start the browser from the second newly created Graph and create new nodes and relationships . Image- However, when i run it in Neovis...

sucheta by Graph Buddy
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APOC create relationship statistics

Hi, I am using neo4j-java-driver 1.6.2. When a query is executed, I am using InternalResultSummary counters().containsUpdates() method to know if my query has changed something. This is working fine, except when I am executing a query with APOC (in ...

Resolved! HTTP requests on localhost with neo4j and rails

Hey there, I'm going around in circles trying to configure my neo4j / rails backend to accept http requests from a client to create a user, using rails routes and controllers. I'm testing using Postman against localhost, but have also tried and faile...

NodeEntity Relationship binding

Hi, I'm trying to get the node entity along with relationship using spring data. Relationship values are not being binded when I annotated with '@Relationship' tag. For Ex., User has list of task linked through task_status. I would like to query the ...

Efficient way to port my python+cypher into AWS Neptune?

Hi comms. I have 1k lines python+cypher(neo4j-driver-python) codes which builts graph on Neo4j, and I want to port these codes to create same graph on AWS Neptune. Unfortunately, Neptune only supports Gremlin(Apache Tinkerpop) and SPARQL 1.1. There i...

m-kiuchi by Node Clone
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Resolved! Custom IdStrategy Examples

I'm looking for an example of somebody implementing their own IdStrategy using OGM. I'm trying to write an application that uses entities that are already identifiable by an id, and I'd like to use that id throughout my application. If I don't have t...

Performance problem

Hello all, Below you'll find a snippet of my graph, the query to be performed, it's profile and referenced python script. Most likely there's a problem with the query, but reading the final results from the profile ("Cypher version: CYPHER 3.4, plann...

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slygren by Node Clone
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setTimeStamp Method not implement Neo4j jdbc driver

All I am trying to import my sql database to neo4j database with pentaho kettle spoon. I am doing the following. I am creating a table input and connecting my mysql database and then connecting table input with Execute Cypher Script . In there I am c...