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About the Drivers & Stacks category

All applications using Neo4j depend on drivers to execute statements to update or query data. Neo4j drivers are mostly built on the binary Bolt protocol. Official drivers exist for Java, JavaScript, .Net, Python, and Go and more. Other languages (R, ...

yolande by Community Team
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Deployment Options

For anyone who has posted a web application using the GRANDstack, what deployment options did you use for each aspect of the stack? I am looking for easier and cheaper options. I am working on few personal projects and am just curious how the process...

Getting `DbHits` through nest children

I have a snippet of code where I run a query so I can extract the DbHits for the query. My aim is to use this as a reference as I tune the queries. I am having an issue where I cannot seem to extract the "nested" DbHit values. Is there a key to acces...

Error while loading data in Neo4j (Python Driver)

Got this error while loading data in Neo (using MERGE). Any pointers? ERROR:neobolt:Failed to write data to connection Address(host='::1', port=7666, flow_info=0, scope_id=0) ("10054; 'An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host'; N...

The Code does not function of sample example

Hi, I tried the code mentioned in the link - neo4j-contrib/neovis.js/blob/master/examples/simple-example.html <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>Neovis.js Simple Example</title> <style type="text/css"> ...

sucheta by Graph Buddy
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Missing Indexes - solved

Hello folks, I have a node like this: @NodeEntity public class ExampleNode { @GraphId Long id; @Index String symbol; //two additional attributes with the Index annotation and a few more without } I use the embedded driver to cre...


Hi there, is anyone aware of an oauth2 implementation for neo4j? I am only aware of ldap is available. But I would like to authenticate through keycloak and oauth2/JWT. this would then allow for end to end user idendification and complete tracability...

How to use multiple labels with GraphQL?

Hello, I'm getting started with GraphQL. Long time Neo4j user. My question is how does one use multiple labels? How would I do the following in the Schema? CREATE (n:Person:Admin) SET n = {name: 'John Smith'} RETURN n QUERY MATCH (n:Person:Admin) W...

chad by Node
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Json object in propertys

Hello, I want to put a json object into a property and retrive it. Ex: i have a node with a property test:'[{"id":"string",tilte:"string"},{"id":"string",tilte:"string"}]' i want to deserialize this property ton an object with de neojclient driver bu...

Relationship to map variable

Suppose I have a class as follows: @NodeEntity public class Car{ @Id String plateNumber; @Property String color; } @NodeEntity public class Person { @Property String idCardNumber; Map <String, Car> cars; } How to define a relat...

Neo4j Mapping Exception

I am a MappingException error when executing the following piece of code: Configuration configuration = new Configuration.Builder() .uri("file:///var/lib/neo4j/data/databases/graph.db") .credentials("neo4j","no...

How does enabling HTTPS helps while connecting from JAVA

I have setup a self-signed ssl in Neo4j Enterprise server. I'm able to connect from Neo4j browser on 7473 port. however how does setting up SSL help while connecting from Java or any other sdk. From documentation i could figure out using Bolt or Bolt...

fme_mrc by Node Clone
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