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About the Drivers & Stacks category

All applications using Neo4j depend on drivers to execute statements to update or query data. Neo4j drivers are mostly built on the binary Bolt protocol. Official drivers exist for Java, JavaScript, .Net, Python, and Go and more. Other languages (R, ...

yolande by Community Team
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Neo4j GraphQL Library & Apollo Federation

Hi All, I am starting a new project in which I plan to use Apollo Federation to create multiple services. I have used neo4j-graphql-js with a previous project that I did which I planned to use this time but noticed that it is no longer going to be ma...

Relationships not returned in query

**I posted this in the wrong category at first, my apologies, cross post: How to get connected in Java ** I'm trying to model the electricity net, the data is structured in this way: ElektraNodes (Label) (has objectId): Transformer (Label)Station (...

Connect to multiple Neo4j aura instances

Hello, Is it possible with the JS Driver to connect to multiple neo4j (aura) instances? I am also open to alternative solutions. Situation: We are developing a platform for multiple customers. Each customer should have his own Database. Since it is n...

till by Node
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OrderBy is not working in neo4j-graphql-java lib

Hello, I have declared following schema type Person { name: ID! born: Int actedIn: [Movie] @relation(name:"ACTED_IN")}type Movie { title: ID! released: Int tagline: String}type Query { person : [Person]}Running the following query { person(f...

harik by Node
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How to fix it?

@Node("Person") @Data public class PersonEntity { @Id @GeneratedValue private Long id; @Property(name = "name") private final String name; @Property(name = "born") private final Integer born; @Relationship(type = "FRI...

LeonWu by Node
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Connecting to ne04j in Vagrant/Django

Newbie problem: I'm trying to connect to NEO4J from Django/Vagrant and I keep getting a "ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused"  when I try to run neomodel_install_labels. in my settings file I've added:   from neomodel import config...

Transactions Committing and Memory Management

Hi all.  I'm using Neo4j 4.4.4 Community Edition with docker and rolled up in k8s. The app designed in Python.   The resources reserved for pod: 80 GB RAM, 10 CPUs, 80GB ephemeral-storage. Neo4j.conf: 46GB page cache and automatic allocated heap size...

Resolved! Database Management in Python

Hello, I am building a Neo4j graph which will eventually be the central data-store for various reports. The operating model for updating the graph + creating these reports will be (at least initially) something like: Table data (Cloud/Sql) -> Python ...

emack by Node
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Neo4jTemplate save after loading subgraph

Hello, Using a Neo4jTemplate, I have this use case where I: 1) Use Neo4jTemplate#findAll(Statement, NodeType.class) to fetch a sub graph 2) Create a createdNode (RelatedNode class) connected to several nodes of the sub graph 3) Use Neo4jTemplate#save...

paulB by Node Clone
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