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About the Drivers & Stacks category

All applications using Neo4j depend on drivers to execute statements to update or query data. Neo4j drivers are mostly built on the binary Bolt protocol. Official drivers exist for Java, JavaScript, .Net, Python, and Go and more. Other languages (R, ...

yolande by Community Team
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@EnableSpringDataWebSupport + @PathVariable + depth

I just found out about @EnableSpringDataWebSupport and already love the possibility to simply @PathVariable("id") Contact contact but 20 seconds after I refactored a Controller to use this awesome feature I came across the need to load an object to ...

chris3 by Graph Buddy
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Spring data neo4j will not return a path

I am struggling to get spring to return the path result for the query below. I cannot find any documentation detailing how spring data neo4j handles returning paths. Any advice would be much appreciated. public interface OccupationRepository extends ...

To write the sql query in the neo4j cypher language

I have the following code which extracts the data from my table in the sql database which matches with id: Now I want to write this query into the neo4j cypher language in which nodes are created with the label voters, and properties of that node con...

Verify successful write-transaction

After running the Cypher query to create a new node if it doesn't exist using MERGE clause, I want to check if the write-transaction is successful. How do I do that? Perhaps a status or code? I'm getting following as result from the statement ...

jariwals by Node Link
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Resolved! Read after write consistency

Hi, in cluster mode, I have a problem when I am doing a READ transaction following a WRITE transaction : the WRITE transaction is always done on LEADER node, but READ transaction will be done on either 2 FOLLOWERS, and as the replication is not done ...

Neo4j Events

Consider a class like this class A { ... @Relationship(type="RELATED_TO") List<B> bs; ... } Assume that we call on an object "aInstance" of class A in OGM. Are PRE_SAVE events of all the saving objects (including aInstance, objects...

I have started a religious cult, and you can join!

I have started a religious cult, and you can join! Many of you know about the passion and commitment that I have shown towards Neo4j over the years. It is an area of focus that has brought wonderful challenges and rewards, both on a professional and ...


Modifying related nodes before saving them

Consider a class like this: class A { ... @Relationship(type="RELATED_TO") List<B> bs; ... } When saving an A, how can I perform some modifications to the "B"s before saving them? (Something like @Convert but for @Relationship not a simple attri...

Hydrate related nodes before persisting a relationship

@gerrit.meier, this might warrant a new topic but I'll give it a shot. What would be the best way, in your opinion, to hydrate related entities before calling save, to prevent removing information from those entities. For example, if a client provide...

Help me access Neo4j through Theo in macOS

I used CocoaPods to bring in Theo as a library. (Theo is a Swift driver for Neo4j) I made sample codes in Xcode to access Neo4j in Swift. It was build successfully, but seems to fail accessing database. Maybe the next line is wrong. let client = try ...

Sato by Node
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Yaml properties example

Can someone show an example properties.yaml file? All I need are the basics: url, user, pw. Its not obvious to me how to set the profile. Thanks.

bpruitt by Node Link
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