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About the Drivers & Stacks category

All applications using Neo4j depend on drivers to execute statements to update or query data. Neo4j drivers are mostly built on the binary Bolt protocol. Official drivers exist for Java, JavaScript, .Net, Python, and Go and more. Other languages (R, ...

yolande by Community Team
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Resolved! How to mock org.neo4j.graphdb.Transaction for unit tests?

All examples of unit/integration tests that I can find, all involve getting a Session or Transaction from a driver, and then executing a query. But for a plugin function I wrote, I don't just want to test the end result of the query, I want to test i...

martijn by Node
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the order of OPTIONAL MATCH changes the result

hello, first thanks for the great work: i'm in a scenario where i need to capture user profiles that have common likes in a specific user's preferences i tried using MATCH but i would like results to be returned even if one of the calls to MATCH fail...

How to sanitize inputs to prevent CYPHER injection?

Context: neo4j Javascript driver Since we are not allowed to use parameters for label names, relationship types, or property keys, the convenient thing to do when building a dynamic query would be to use string interpolation to insert the node label ...

graphene by Node Clone
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javascript neo4j-driver, the proper way to extract results

So I run this simple request: const res = await'MATCH p=(t:Account {account_id: '123598'})-[]-(j) return count(j)')   And to catch the count I have to dig: const count = res.records[0]._fields[0].low  It feels I'm doing it the wrong wa...

Resolved! Interface-based projection not working

Hi, I'm running into a weird problem.Specifically, I have defined an interface-based projection to retrieve a view of a persisted entity (as per from the da...


Neo4j GraphQLWhen using connectOrCreateHow do I specify in the mutation a property to add to the newly connected or created edge?Thank you

Show db hits for query using Python Driver

Hi Neo4j Community, Thank you very much for always being so helpful. I am just getting starting with Python Driver and I would like to meassure the performance of the queries I execute. For this I would like to know the total db hits for the queries ...

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pska752 by Node Link
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Issue when retrieving result from Neo4JRepository

Hello, I'm having an issue with deserializing a simple query using a Neo4JRepository in an example I wrote. PersonRepository has the following method signature: public interface PersonRepository extends Neo4jRepository<Person, String> { ... @Quer...

gnchark by Node
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Resolved! Need to connect to multiple neo4j db using python client

Is it feasible to connect to multiple neo4j dbs using python client? I am using Neo4j v 4.1.1 Enterprise edition with pip install neo4j ==4.0.2.I have created multiple databases from the browser end http://localhost:7474/browser/. But whatever python...

royinblr by Node Link
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Resolved! List of RelationshipProperties

@Node public class User { @Id @GeneratedValue(generatorClass = UUIDStringGenerator.class) private String id; private String username; } @RelationshipProperties public class Member { @RelationshipId private Long id; @Targ...

mick by Node
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