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About the Drivers & Stacks category

All applications using Neo4j depend on drivers to execute statements to update or query data. Neo4j drivers are mostly built on the binary Bolt protocol. Official drivers exist for Java, JavaScript, .Net, Python, and Go and more. Other languages (R, ...

yolande by Community Team
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How to include list parameters in http-api?

Hello, reading the docs: suggest that the JSON array type is supported by the http-api. But when I try this, I get the error "Type mismatch for parameter 'gparams': expected List but was S...

Update of a relationship fails without error

Hi! I need some help with some puzzling behavior of Spring/OGM/Neo4j. I have a node entity (Movie) with an outgoing relationship to another node entity (Actor). Creating a new movie with a new actor works just fine. However, when I take an existing m...

Resolved! Recycled ids using UuidStrategy

Hi, I am wondering if node ID defined using UUID strategy might be recycled. Neo4j doc clearly states that one should not rely on the internally generated node ID as Neo4J might reuse it when deleting node, but doc is quite vague about the UUID strat...

kev_0126 by Node Link
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Auto Relationship break Using Neo4jRepository

Hi All, I have one model which shown as per Under. @JsonInclude(Include.NON_NULL) public class Actor extends AbstractGraphNodeEntity implements IResource { @Index protected String name; @Relationship(type = "RESPONSIBLE_ACTOR", directi...

How to view auto generated cypher statements?

how to see generated cypher for graphql schema? Using the neo4j-graphql-js library, it is apparently possible to log out the generated cypher statements with an environment variable: DEBUG=neo4j-graphql-js node yourcode.js GitHub ...

q6qgs by Node Link
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Out of memory when invoking OGM session loadAll

Hi, A java Neo4J app that has been working perfectly ok for months is suddenly failing with an unexpected exception Java heap space java.lang.OutOfMemoryError. The exception occurs when restoring Java POJOs via the OGM Session loadAll method. public ...

Resolved! Disabling Object Cache

How can I possible object cache in Neo4j-ogm? I want this because I want to have no cache in tests, so after updating the data in the database the updated objects are not cached and when loaded from the database the actual persisted version is loaded...

Resolved! Is better Prototype scope for Neo4jRepository?

I used one interface that i defined @Scope(ConfigurableBeanFactory.SCOPE_PROTOTYPE) extends Neo4jRepository. Is It prototype scope good for Neo4jRepository ? @Scope(ConfigurableBeanFactory.SCOPE_PROTOTYPE)*/ public interface ActivityCustomFieldRepos...

Query by Example doesn't load relationships

In the Spring Data Neo4j Rx, using the Query-by-example doesn't seem to load the relationship in the imperative mode. Reactive mode works fine. If you query, for example, movieRepository.findOneByTitle("The Matrix") it returns the movie with actors...

aldrinm by Node Link
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Use enterprise edition in Java tests

How can I use Enterprise edition features in Java tests? This artifact has been discontinued several releases ago: I am currently using the neo4j-harness regular edition, but ...

Math function for base 2 conversion

I'm using Neo4j for genealogy projects. A simple pedigree generally represents a person's position using an ahnentafel number. I can create a bitstring of 0's and 1's to create ahnentafel in base2: MATCH (n:Person{RN:1}) match p=(n)-[:father|mother*...