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About the Drivers & Stacks category

All applications using Neo4j depend on drivers to execute statements to update or query data. Neo4j drivers are mostly built on the binary Bolt protocol. Official drivers exist for Java, JavaScript, .Net, Python, and Go and more. Other languages (R, ...

yolande by Community Team
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"" with NEO4J 4.x

Has anyone been able to get the cq driver to connect/run with the latest 4.x of NEO4J ? We moved to this driver away from the NEO Seabolt as it was more reliable and easier for production deploys.

jeremy by Node Clone
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Golang - converting maps to strong type

Just wondering if anyone has some experience converting from a map[string]interface{} to a declared type? i.e. in Go if I have: type Person struct { name string age int64 } if I run this query: MATCH (p:Person) RETURN p { .name, .age } AS pe...

Testing Neo4j using GOlang

Hi everybody, I'm using the official neo4j-go-driver. One thing is bothering me - lack of testing libraries. Does anybody familiar with something relevant regards? Thanks in advance, Boris

Install seabolt on ARM

Hi, Does anyone succeed to get Seabolt17 working in a raspberry pi 4? ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo dpkg -i seabolt-1.7.4-Linux-ubuntu-18.04.deb dpkg: error processing archive seabolt-1.7.4-Linux-ubuntu-18.04.deb (--install): package architecture (amd64) d...

Issue with time format

I have a small job that reconciles data in one store with a neo4j graph, everything runs swimmingly on laptop but when I move it to a container for execution I get the below error, does anyone have any ideas on where to start digging into the problem...

Neo4J OGM cache/session strategy in a cluster

Hi, I have a cluster of 4 VPS running on ubuntu (latest v) in the context of a backend serving a RESTful API. 1 Neo4J Db dedicated server 1 Nginx load balancer server 2 nodes containing the same Java+OGM backend code In order to avoid OGM caching di...

Resolved! Issue with Grand Stack Starter

Following the steps for a fresh install yarn create grandstack-app myNewApp neo4j desktop create database, install apoc. upon running yarn run start the SPA loads up on port 3000 but the graphql server doesn't succeed and it throws the error GraphQL...

OGM Not deleting relationship on save()

Hi guys, I'm trying to remove a relationship from an @NodeEntity, when using debugger, the breakpoints indicates that the object isn't containing any relation in outgoingRelations and incomingRelations but when the transaction is comitted, it refills...

Use apoc functions inside Java plugin

Hi community, I'm running some cypher statements with apoc functions inside my Java plugin. Problem is, that the tests fail saying apoc functions are unknown. How can I include apoc to my project? Is there public lib I can import from? Kind regards, ...

Neo4J GraphQL Apollo Resolver Filter GTE

Hi i have a question. Lets Say we have a property in the Schema that is only processed with a custom resolver, call it GesamtSumme. It works great i get back the GesamtSumme. So now the GesammtSumme isn´t in Neo4J and the directive @ignore is added. ...

mmkay by Node
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