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Anybody able to integrate graphene(graphql) with django and Neo4j?

Node Clone

A few months ago, I was able to create an application using django and neo4j. In short, django handled the user accounts/authorization and render the html using the neo4j driver and writing way too much cypher. I was hoping to implement something similar to the JavaScript GRANDSTACK by using the graphene implementation of graphql seeing as I really do not know JS nor does the npx create-grandstack-app seem to work based on company restrictions. Even so, I can't seem to get graphene to work this way. In my django file, I have created the classes (labels) using neomodel, but graphene does not like to read them. Can anyone share what they have done, or should I just bag this idea and learn some javascript and hope that i can piece together a working stack? Thoughts?


Graph Steward

You could write the Cypher queries yourself using the official python neo4j driver and by pass the graphene piece all together but that could turn into a lot of work.