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Hi team. We are struggling with some issues using Neo4j. Can anyone provide some help? Thanks...

  • Create new User with “CALL” function doesn’t work. This is in both 3.5.17 community and enterprise editions.

  • Log in with default user/pass after forced password change works. But once you log out of the Neo4j GUI with “:server disconnect”, you are unable to log back in. This is in both community and enterprise v3.5.17.

  • No place to add API key for v.3.5.17 enterprise.

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Please stop answering questions with questions. That is not helpful.
Lets focus on 1 issue at a time:

Where do i enter the api key?

You can just keep the license key for your own documents. No need to add it anywhere.

I strongly recommend to not use the REST API's use a bolt driver instead for your language.

I think it might be your deployment setup that has a hiccup somewhere which makes it doesn't work.

As usual I suggest starting with the working local install and then add your deployment stuff bit bit bit until it fails.

Proxying etc. has a lot of additional complexities (including advertised URIs, proxy addresses to respond to etc.) that I wouldn't start with that.

Thank you @dana.canzano for being so patient. And yes answering questions with questions is necessary if the required details are missing from previous statements. "doesn't work" etc. is not helpful.