I have just installed Neo4j 4.0.0 Enterprise edition by using Neo4j Debian package. At the first time I started, It run properly. After that, I stop service to install APOC and Algo plugins and started it again. The error has occured

Argument `nodeIds` at position 0 in `list` with
type `List` cannot be converted to a Neo4j type: Default value `` could not be parsed as a LIST? OF INTEGER?

What's happened with my Neo4j and how to fix it ?
Thank you

Graph Buddy

Good it be that the APOC and/or ALGO plugin is NOT version 4.xxx?

Yours kindly

Graph Fellow

Hi Harvey,
Graph algorithms are not compatible with 4.0 yet. I believe APOC 4.0 compatible version was released recently. Use that jar and remove graph algorithms plugin.


If the issue persists after removal of algo plugin, also remove apoc to bisect if it's an apoc issue or something else.

Node Clone

Thanks @anthapu for your solution,

@stefan.armbruster I have just remove algorithms plugin and started it again. Neo4j work well.
However, I am using unionFind algorithm in 3.5 version. So I have to wait a new release for graph algorithms plugin? Are there any solutions if I want to using neo4j 4.0?


You'll have to wait for Algo plugin to work with 4.0. I'd guess it's a few weeks out.

Node Link

Just ran into this issue myself.

Version history
Last update:
‎01-22-2020 01:04 AM
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