Dear Neo4j Community, I am thrilled to share that my Team at GSK has recently released our first code asset to the open source community – NeoInterface – a Python interface to use the Neo4j graph database and simplify its use!
It provides a higher-le...
On Neo4j v4.2.3
n10s v.
I am using the following python code to submit GET and POST requests to the rdf endpoint of my database:
import requests
import os
import json
rdf_host = "http://localhost:11006/rdf"
get_pstfx = "/neo4j/...
Dear Community,
I am struggling with accessing rdf endpoint after setting up n10s on docker following instructions.
I run the docker (Neo4j 4.2.3) with the following string:
sudo docker run --env NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/admin --restart always --publish=7473...
What do you think about the description of Neo4j, RDF and OWL in this article ? Could the described benefits of OWL be reproduced in Neo4j and why do you think the author highlights them?
Are there any folks experienced in CDISC clinical data standards and Neo4j? We're kicking off a graphy POC project within my organisation in regards to processing clinical trials data in the graph. Looking for potential collaboration (both open-sourc...
The load_df will not work for you in this specific use case. Solved your problem as follows. Note that you need to install apoc library to make it work:
import spacy
import en_core_web_sm
import pandas as pd
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
text =...
neointerface package has load_df method, however in order to create NEXT relationships btw words you need to load the dataframe with index column and run an additional query. try something like:
#pip install neointerface
import neointerface
import pa...
Thanks for sharing the roadmap for that @jesus.barrasa
I would also appreciate having an officially supported by Neo4j way to export serialized string.
The workflow for my use case would be as follows:
starting from data in Neo4j format (nodes and r...
Solution found inspired by this post
My working docker run string is as follows:
sudo docker run \
--env NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j/admin \
--restart always \
--publish=7473:7473 \
--publish=7474:7474 \
--publish=7687:7687 \
--volume=$HOME/neo4j/datans:/data \...