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since ‎12-07-2021

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Test system : Neo4j community server 4.3.6 on CentOS7 - browser In test system call db.relationshipTypes() yield relationshipType return count(relationshipType) as numRelTypes; Run the script as below : ( inland_route.csv file's rows are under 500 r...
My test environment is as below version : community 4.35 OS : CentOS 7 I am currently using neo4j single db because of community version. How to delete/create databases in Neo4j? I know of course to delete relationships and nodes by cypher, but that ...
I have two questions about date conversion in cypher. First, There is SQL in Oracle : SELECT TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'D') FROM DUAL; The SQL returns a number from 1 (sun) to 7 (sat) Does Neo4j have a cypher function to replace it? Second If the arguemnts is...
In the case of RDBMS, when repeatedly executing the same data query within a short period of time, a lot of data is stored in memory, so there are in which faster results can be obtained than the first time query. Does NEO4J operate with the same str...