With neo4j 4, do I have memory and cpu restrictions in community edition and can I use it freely in kubernetes?
I found aa bunch of blogs, a lot say different things so I just want to check it out
Hello guys!
I have the following query
MATCH (u: User)<-[:USER_PERMISSION]-(p: Permission)
WHERE ID(u)=$userId
I get user and its permissions by userId, simple.
I want to query by name if permissionName is passed in params and if not I jus...
Hello people,
I have maybe silly question but regardless..
The query is the following:
MATCH (c:Category)<-[:CATEGORY_PERMISSION]-(p:Permission)
I'm a CTO of the startup called NowMatters.
Recently I started exploring Neo4j for the future of my company.
I started using Neo4J 2 weeks ago and it blew me off.
Also I able to write in 1 query what I wasn't able to do with SQL in 2 years and it is ...
Limit 34b..but they said no limits no surprises
Neo4j Graph Database Platform
Neo4j 4.0: Scale with No Limits and No Surprises - Neo4j Graph Database Platform
Neo4j 4.0 provides unlimited horizontal scaling. Organization...
AWESOME, exactly what I need.
Nice style of thinking.
Using same logic for IN
AND ID(p) IN coalesce($permissionIds, [ID(p)])
And it works.
They should put this in the docs tbh..such a powerful method for optional filters.
I actually used JS to parse...
Thank, but it doesn't seem to work. I get empty result.
$permissionName will be passed all the time, but I want that if the $permissionName is null, to ignore that part of where clause and return all names.
I will use other params as well, and I want...
What I could do is also
collect(p) + collect(p2) as all
UNWIND all as single
RETURN distinct single
But I guess union is cleaner since it removes distincts
Thanks a lot