Hi again,
This solution about language problem in the JDK. If you are using English language or if your language's doesn't contain any special chars this solution will not working. You should check your logs and if it is different this topic's first ...
Hi, if you are using JDK 10 maybe Neo4J 4.+ doesn't start. Because i saw in somewhere it required least JDK 11. Despite i can give an answer to your question.
Open your Neo4j Desktop.You will see your Database.It has a three dots in the right ...
If you add your DB settings this line, it will be solved.
dbms.jvm.additional= -Duser.country=EN -Duser.language=EN -Duser.variant=Traditional_WIN
Hi again,
I solved the problem. It is about the JDK. If you add your DB settings this line, it will be solved.
dbms.jvm.additional= -Duser.country=EN -Duser.language=EN -Duser.variant=Traditional_WIN
It is changing JVM's language and w...
I don't know but i am researching this error's reason. Maybe it is due to the JDK. Android Studio has a same language problem too. It's a Java based Application. Already i found this answer from my Android Studio experience. If i find any new answer,...