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Node Clone
since ‎04-15-2020

User Statistics

  • 24 Posts
  • 3 Solutions
  • 4 Kudos given
  • 3 Kudos received

User Activity

Hello. I'm doing a neo4j project. I'm trying to use the avg() function in a property of a relationship This is my query: MATCH (E1:ENTITY)-[C:CONTRACT]->(E2:ENTITY) WITH C.price as contractPrice MATCH (E1:ENTITY)-[C:CONTRACT]->(E2:ENTITY) WITH colle...
Hello community I have this graph: Blue Label is an Entity, and Orange label another entity. CONTRATO has the informations about a contract that both entities have made with each other I have this query that basically calculates the average of the s...
Hi. Recently i've posted a query(then solved) that was to sum string values, and if a label was upper that value it was returned like some kind of fraudulent entity. Here's my query: Match (e1:ENTIDADE) -[c:CONTRATO]->(e2:ENTIDADE) With e1, sum(toflo...
Hi. I'm new in neo4j and i have a question that i've already tried to solve but nothing. So, i'm doing a graph and at certain point i have to sum values that i have in a json file, but the value of the field is in string. Here's what i have: I've re...
Hello I have a json file on this path: C:\Users\Joao\Desktop\ProjetoFinal8150133\DadosExtraidos\new.json When i try to invoque: call apoc.load.json("file:///C:\Users\Joao\Desktop\ProjetoFinal8150133\DadosExtraidos\new.json") in Neo4j, it says: "inval...